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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Jason Canter & Interview on Indigo & soul journeys

As part of my own multi-dimensional soul journey, I come to know Jason Canter. He offers insight into incarnation and formless experience as well as physical form. Exhanging dialogue reminds one that consciousness can manipulate physical matter. I appreciate shamanic synchronicity.

What are your soul origins?

Indigo Child ,Walk-in , Old Soul. Indigo properties are that I was born in 1972 , I have many different shades of indigo in my aura, blue eyes that have been reported by others to grow an even deeper /darker shade of blue when I speak about matters related to “spirit” or share related experiences.

Please explain your sense of "walk-ins" and reasons you resonate with 'old soul.'

Walk-in properties include an exchange of souls occurring more than one time in the same physical body or the ability of more than one soul to occupy the same body by mutual agreement. Old Soul properties are pretty self explanatory, The overwhelming feeling that I have been to certain geographical places or how to do things without formal training knowing that I had never been to those places or had any training in those skills in this incarnation. Others have recognized this in my "soul signature " as well.

When did you first grow aware of an ability to sense earthly time and space are illusions?

When I was very young, possibly as early as 3. I remember “knowing” and telling my parents they would have visitors long before their arrival. I would tell babysitters things about themselves that I couldn’t possibly know and even how the day and our time together was going to progress (what I was going to watch on television, have for lunch, etc) This phenomena has occurred on many occasions growing up and in my adult life.

How did this revelation shape your inner purpose?

I always considered my ability to see, feel ,and hear spirit to be unique. Even though I now know that everyone can develop these abilities. I have always felt that I was chosen to do these things with little or no effort. It has also caused me to feel a heightened sense of responsibility to seek out the intended recipients and pass on the messages that I receive or perceive in my “mind’s eye”.

Why did you choose to hide from what you saw within?

Emotional anguish. When others did not heed my advice due to lack of understanding, I nurtured fear, ignorance and absorbed false teachings. I understand the “law” of free will. I expressed that often during readings. Because I was the one given the vision (s) about probably outcomes or turn of events, when I see negative results I internalize that sadness or frustration.

What alters your sensibilities and self-acceptance?

My acceptance of self has altered my sensibilities. I have progr essed ,and realized that I did my “job” in passing on the messages that came to me/through me. I cannot be held nor hold myself responsible for the actions or inactions of others based upon what I perceived.

How do you know what to do with what you are given? 

It depends on how many times I “see” the situation , whether in my sleeping dreams or my lucid (wide awake/conscious) dreams. If I see situations unfold in dreams I have while sleeping and when I am awake am unable to “shake” the feelings held, I know that more attention is required and will often try to go back in to the dream and see the rest of what unfolds.

What have you learned from accepting energy flow?

I have learned that persistence pays off. I have learned not to be discouraged if at first no action is taken .It’s also a matter of presentation. Obviously the more detailed the reading , the better the results. What does not kill you brings you to a place that has potential to remind you what you are made of.

As you emerge from nothing, how do you view the mirror of your soul?

This is a tough one. People have been sent to their imprisonment and sometimes their demise based upon my testimony and urging of individuals, government and law enforcement to take a proactive stance in an effort to prevent repeat tragedies and needless loss of human lives. This weighs heavily on my conscience and I suspect has gone to a soul level. I know in my heart that I did the right thing with the tools I was given.

What are you doing to alter consciousness?

I continue to learn and incorporate new techniques in an effort to activate DNA strands, raise the vibration level and consciousness of myself and those with whom I come in contact. I teach others what I have learned based upon personal experiences. I strive to be like those examples in history (Jesus, Mother Theresa, Buddha) who are said to have raised the consciousness of others just by their very presence. Finally, empowering others by arming them with truth, encouraging them to find their own truths .

How do you use dream experience to expand awareness and open the mind to new levels of energy and learning?

I use dream experience as a powerful tool to co-create for myself and to help others to co-create. The dreaming body is where anything is possible because of the separation of the conscious and subconscious mind . We do not have the conscious mind telling us that what we are seeing, feeling , hearing isn’t possible based on logic and rational thinking. I have used it to connect with loved ones on the other side to gain closure about situations and seek guidance. Perhaps after consciously pre-programming that experience.

What do you recall about some of your past life lessons?

These examples are more educated guesses. The most powerful message I get when I “ask” about this is not to stop doing what I am doing (spiritual work) just because other people don’t accept or understand it. One example that I resonate with is a native mystical movement introduced by a Paiute shaman, Wovoka called the “Ghost Dance”.  In short, many warriors were killed for their following of Wovoka and their refusal to stop ghost dancing . The other example that I see would be of my early European ancestors being tried for witchcraft even though they were most likely just using their innate abilities to forecast.

Who do you foresee yourself becoming?

I see myself returning to the person that I was before, the enlightened one that served this world and his “tribe” (the whole of humanity) to the best of his abilities in an effort to pleasethe creator by honoring the agreements or contracts that I made before coming in to this incarnation.

Any additional things you would like to share?

I would just like to encourage others to reach within themselves to find their soul’s sole purpose on this planet. If they are in un satisfactory relationships with themselves or surroundings, I would encourage them to seek out the answers to remedy the disharmony. With the invent of the internet and a variety of books , DVD, etc. there are plenty of resources and teachers out th ere to help us to redefine and rediscover our paths. Remember we are a tiny piece of the “divine source ” that makes up this world. We need you to be here now help us to co-create that peaceful and harmonious place (heaven) that we have seen in our dreams.

Readers here are grateful for your contribution to this inter-dimensional dialogue.  Visitors who wish to connect with Jason can find him on myspace.

Thank you, Liara for the opportunity to share with you and your readers. It has been a pleasure.

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Reader Comments (6)

Hi Liara .. what a lovely man - thank you for sharing him with us.

I had never thought before that Jesus may well have been able to raise consciousness in others .. or be on another level to most of us .. as you probably are, and Janice, Mum's healer, is and has shown me to be ..

Jason's comment: "I strive to be like those examples in history (Jesus, Mother Theresa, Buddha) who are said to have raised the consciousness of others just by their very presence"

Very interesting .. food for thought and food for future thought -
Thank you -
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
June 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
I have believed that we all or at least most have this insight, but in the same sense it can be scary and overwhelming. Nice interview.

I told you I would be right over! Thanks for the visit
June 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaige
Hilary, awakened consciousness is relative. Your way will be different. Consciousness has a universal purpose, but how you expand is personal, subjective and without limits or self-imposed constraints. To remind yourself about the truth is to realize its useful to think with the heart and feel with the mind. The love you share matters.
June 25, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Paige, some human beings gradually open up to what is available within. Each person is emerging into the light, leaning to shed the burdens of misplaced emotions and to reconnect with what matters. People are only unaware of what surrounds hem until they are ready to accept the unseen. Then, the invisible becomes quite perceptible.
June 25, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara and Jason. I wish I could see those blue eyes better! Thanks for sharing some very thought-provoking topics.

I've been with people who seem to raise the energy vibrations of those around them. It is not discussed though and I don't believe either or any of us are fully aware of it until we part and notice the shift.

This seems to be a synergistic flow that occurs when "certain" people conjugate. I remember my grandmother would tell me that after speaking with me on the phone, she felt a sense of peace wash over her and if she had been feeling ill, she would suddenly feel better. She and I were kindred spirits. I think we just had that effect on each other when the other was out of balance.

Something else I've noticed is that participating in certain energy exchanges has a natural healing effect. There are times when I'm feeling out of sorts, but have to put that aside to receive a coaching call from a client. The amazing thing is that after the call, when I've been doing the coaching (or so I think), I feel refreshed and energized, as though I was the one being coached.
June 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavina
Davina,human beings often ask, what is the meaning of a particular experience? Why me? Why now? Every experience is a window and mirror into deeper parts of your true self. Through the power of your choices, you transform your journey as you will. You constantly receive an influx of information and its up to you to decde how to use it. Each "ah-ha" moment is your own and serves to guide you.
June 26, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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