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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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7 Ways to reframe apparent dis-ease

Many people say perceived disease cripples them or, otherwise holds them back from what they would prefer to be doing.

You may choose to focus the mind on where you are not, on what you are not doing.  All conditions offer teachings.  All circumstances re-orient you to a focus more suitable to who you truly are. In the centre of you is a sphere of light. Consider what you know inside to reframe apparent disease;

1) Repeated conditions and  your belief in them results in what you manifest and selectively experience in physical worlds.

2) All perceived illness or imbalance is reversible through consciously being aware of and altering your conditioning.

3) Recovery is a mental state that is not achieved without personality change and recognition of untapped capacities.

4) What other people think or do does not make you who or what you are you unless you permit that thought to be.

5) Multi-leveled transformation is occurring in energies based on how you change conditioned thoughts and feelings.

6) Every state is a transition toward that mental place where you no longer permit hopelessness or fear to control you.

7) Dis-ease is a wake up call to remind you what a loving and peaceful soul you truly are capable of healing from within.

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Reader Comments (34)

nicely put... reminds me of the yogis who can negate pain.... they must be working at a level like this, where their will can intercede the connection between brain and mind.....
July 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterfrank themystic
I have heard of people healing themselves of cancer, sports injuries, and many other dis-eases through flowing into the right mind through Source abundance pattern thinking and I am working on doing the same. I have fallen in love with sacred geometry, one way to see the patterns. The other way is through vibing higher in the service of love. The more I Am the more I follow my true path and exude my truth... that I am ONE and there is no suffering in my totality. I am fully self-sustained and completely blissed out!
July 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer Paison
I so agree with what you are saying. Thank you for posting.
July 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermahart
Very good post! We must be on the same wave length today.
July 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersheila
Love this, Liara! Thank you!!
July 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJodi at Joy Discovered
Frank, your words resonate. These thoughts expand on powerful ideas which are already transcending ego-driven states. You have access to everything you sense or admire in other human beings. Every experience is awakening you to your own inner power. Its your path to tap into that.
July 29, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Jennifer, as you access insight into what is timeless and permanent, conflict and suffering are seen as they are, illusory, impermanent and untrue. Any sense of illness, imbalance or dysfunction is a strategy to awaken the mind to new levels of consciousness. This is a healing process available to all. Much like working toward forgiveness allows one to realize nothing actually exists to forgive, the process of understanding and working to heal suffering allows one to rediscover what is self-created and what is real.
July 29, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
manhart, kindred spirits are drawn together to recognize the healing that empowers all souls to follow a path to more rewarding existence. Blessings to you and all.
July 29, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Sheila, the key relationship is with the Now. As you choose to align, even intermittently, you receive confirmations that you do the right things. This means you are in the right place and the universe smiles.
July 29, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Jodi, your path continues through every illuminating exercise. You create a meaningful inner space or remind yourself what has always existed and has waited patiently for you to open the senses. Much reamins to be seen.
July 29, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Very co-incidentally (ha!) I have confronted an area of dis-ease within lonliness and regret.

I am making changes to help


ps: Really enjoying your book - it's much more personal than I expected (good!!)
July 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommentersoulMerlin
Hi Liara .. dis - ease - it's a good example of chucking it out and forgetting it. I've seen people do this and continue to do so .. and read of others, whose cancer seems to dis - appear .. long may it last for those who believe, and those that are free spirited enough to not be anxious or worry .. just let it be.

Thanks - a good post on how the brain and body can and do work together ..

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
July 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
"Dis-ease is a wake up call to remind you what a loving and peaceful soul you truly are capable of healing from within." Very wise and uplifting post. I truely needed to read and absorb this lesson today. Thanks for the post! PLL, C.
July 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercordieb
henry, lonliness and regret are some of the illusions human beings have the pleasure of experiencing during their stages of growth. As you identify a symptom of illness, you begin an internal process of learning to master it. This raises awareness to prompt healing. When you allow yourself to feel without censoring it, you gain insight into a part of body or mind that invites attention. It is actually helpful to permit symptoms to worsen as part of the learning process. Choose to become the symptom. You are only really love.
July 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiara
Hi Liara,

I like number 2. Human beings are amazing creatures. We can do great things if we focus on healing our past, tending to our present and looking forward to our future. Some even believe that the past, present and future all exist at once. When we heal ourselves, we heal our lives.
July 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Hi Liara - #4 really struck a cord with me. Too many times we look outside of ourselves to find what's "right." It doesn't always (if ever) dawn on us that we should look within first. It may seem like everyone else is doing things or thinking things different than we are, and we should follow suit. But our own internal guidance is powerful and recognizing that can change our lives.
July 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda Linehan
hilary, this particular stage of existence is inviting you to recall the meaning of immortality through lessons you learn during relationships. Each human being is encouraged to remember how to be more loving, empathic, compassionate. These capacities remind you how to realign to experience physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. As you instinctively help others, you make inner progress, temper fears and redefine your future in the now. You are free to explore whichever lesons resonate with you. Every choice is meaningful.
July 29, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
cordieb, part of you is always happy and fulfilled wherever you are. Another part of you is wrapped up in the illusion that you are miserable and afraid. You are in the process of experiencind different levels of evolution. This eventually guides you to higher planes and higher consciousness. Love and compassion reign supreme.
July 29, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Alexys, some human beings do sense perceived time all runs together. Some people also conclude time does not exist, except to distact from soul. Every being is reminded unconditional love and compassion are not absorbed fully or grasped overnight. Patience is required as well as understanding things occur as they are, not as ego wants.
July 29, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Amanda, the insight you share is very meaningful. In a brief review of life experience, you begin to grasp everything in your scope is created to discern and explore emotions, sensations, feelings and human relationships. The core intent is to experience the nature of free will, the universal laws of cause and effect, polarity and other soul-level lessons. You progressively discover yoru inner healing power or deny it as long as you choose. Every thought has consequences. Every one is a teacher.
July 29, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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