How do you remote influence the past?

You do not necessarily remember a perceived past every moment in the same way. It is the role of creators to shift the past to align it with how they experience the present. In other words, as you experience what it means to feel present, you are a more astute observer of timeless dimensions.
This said, moving beyond the limitations of perceived time does not prevent you from using time in practical ways. You learn not to be controlled by the illusions of time but to harness the meaningful energy and explore varied dimensions.
Part of you senses it impossible to verify the past. Yet, other parts know otherwise. How do you remote influence the past?
Reader Comments (11)
Interesting post.
Before I comment it, I'd like to know one thing:
So what past are we talking about here? Past-present, or past-lives past?
Thanks for your reply.
I think that knowing and understanding the past is crucial to live the present (and thus, help decreasing Karma).
However, not everybody is prepared to face the past (for various reasons), so they should not seek it (I suppose there is a reason why most of us do not remember it when reincarnating).
But I agree with you: we should learn how to move beyond the limitations of perceived time (which can only be profitable); for our time is not the Creator's time; and our time is an illusion. Once we see things this way we'll stop being obsessed with past, present and future and simply live (i.e. fulfill our mission on earth - whichever that mission might be).
As you move into a more mature level, you are conscious that you access insight in the physical that is only available in the dense, linear world. Each person is energy, or source energy. You decide whether you get something out of a given experience or not while conscious and aware, while still in the physical and also after you transcend it. All experience stays with you. Perception of time may shift, but your thoughts about how you sense time are accessible in past lives and other mental retrieval.
Wonderful explanation: thank you!
So, if "should" is misleading, you are saying that people eventually may seek the past (i.e. regression) even if they are not ready (i.e. less evolved)? What do you think would be consequence of this?
In addition, infinite levels of awareness exist. When part of you says you "should" or "should not" do something, this relates to fear and control which are created by the ego. To surrender to what is, that is, to energy flow, means you choose not to resist or fear change but rather, choose to find advantages and blessings in what you see and also in what you do not see or understand. Love is the answer.
"When part of you says you "should" or "should not" do something, this relates to fear and control which are created by the ego"
This makes utter sense. Yet, we are "forced" (as human living on earth) to confront these "should" or "should not" - as if they were an important tool for growth.
In Business school they taught us that we should embrace change. And one of the mottoes was "in order to cope with change, help creating it".
This is one great conversation: thanks :D!
Gandhi reminds each person to embody the change he wishes to see. You are already that which you truly need. No reason to struggle. Simply surrender to what is and worlds unfold within you.
That is why I wrote «"force"» and not «force», because I am fully aware that before incarnating we accept our fate on earth. However, as humans we perceive our fate (and all the things that happen for it to be accomplished) as an "enforcement" - that is our perception (and we all know perceptions are illusions).
Have a blessed weekend!