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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Why do exist right now?

Every human being is currently experiencing a process of transformation. This is unfolding on levels you choose to see and selectively ignore. You are gradually shifting perspective, outlook, and attitude in ways that empower you to dissolve many of the assumptions that have formed the foundation of existence.  This sense of expansion is increasingly related to 2012 which is viewed as a turning point, yet, for what?

Your sense of the universe is offering new visions. Timeless perception is transforming what you expeirence and how you absorb energy vibration.  From every sunrise, you sense something different flowing through your veins. Reflect on these revelations and how they impact your self-view, current conditions and reframe the dawn of your physical life;

1) The perceived past does not create your actual identity.

2) You are not asked to mentally grasp ongoing energy shifts.

3) The future is nothing more than a selective mind projection.

4) You no longer permit perception of time to control you. 

5) Perceived threats and crises invite you to be more present.

6) Thrill-seeking & risk-taking are strategies to focus on 'Now'

7) Teaching the self to just be opens portholes to new realms.

8) What you choose to see in a moment is not all there is.

9) To grow aware of the invisible is to know you are part of it.

10) The mind does not know love and thus, cannot know you.

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Reader Comments (12)

Things are slowly changing (some areas quickly) Your posts seem to compliment my awarenesses and experiences.

"To grow aware of the invisible is to know you are part of it."

August 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommentersoulMerlin
All powerful points. It is amazing to be alive now and in the now.
August 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike Phemister
1, 3, 5 , 7 and 8 make sense to me right now... I love these changes. How glad I am to choose to experience them and to continue having my eyes opened !

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Liara...

p.s. I responded to your comment on my blog this morning -
August 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLoving Annie
henry, human beings presume they are physical forms in danger of dying. In truth, consciousness creates form. Your personality is not physical. Part of your knows your abilities and powers are far more than you currently use or access. You are invited to consider your personality is beyond form. You are evolving to release the deeply intuitive nature and revelations that serve you best now. Until you realize you create your perception, you do not take full responsibility for how you feel at a given moment. You begin to open inner channels and expand perceptions. Each consciousness is encouraging you to accept the truth. Instincts allow freedom and invite sensing beyond the physically-oriented part of you.
August 1, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Mike, human beings do many things without conscious recognition. Inner perceptors exist regardless of a person's development. The true nature of order has nothing to do with human understanding of permanent order. People tend to perceive reality based on data offered by limited senses. Consciousness does not require you dwell on physical experience. In fact, you create new forms and interpret reality based on inner senses, but selectively block out receptors that would conflict with conditioning. Attention tends to be focused on reality as it is externally-presented. What you seem to perceive is actually an illusion. Each human is programmed to perceive in a certain way until he transcends space and time. You translate what you are into a multidimensional, not a limited dimensional reality. Turns out, a soul is not what you have but what you are and constantly expanding. You are energy that astonishes human comprehension.
August 1, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Loving Annie, your soul perceptions do not relate to physical reality. As you learn to selectively turn the human senses off, as you do in the dream states, you discover other levels of reality where you are quite free perceptively. Part of you knows you are fundamentally an electromagnetic field with potential energies ready to be expressed. Opening the senses has meaning to you. You tune into unfamiliar streams of consciousness that are connected to who you are. This opens you to the multi-facits of your authentic self. You exist now to figure this out again. After all, you have done this before. Its deja-vu.
August 1, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Any one of these by itself woud be a gift. But ten! I continue to marvel at the wisdom you share.

And I see your 2012 tag, I am going to read more of your articles on that as it does interest me.
August 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, the global community of love is growing. This is not just about one person shifting focus, it is the story of every inner human experience. As you resonate with particular concepts, you are awakening to what you already know. You validate what constantly echos inside the authentic self. This incredible revelation changes what you think, feel and also what you invite into your energy field from now on. 2012 can be put in this site search.
August 2, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I often feel as if I am fluidic with my environment and my surroundings are touching and changing and molding me as travel like water through a landscape. My vibration dances with my neighbors, my thoughts stimulate and commune with Nature. All is a dance and there are an infinite amount of movements.
August 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Bern, to merge with the energy around you is to recognize the power to be experienced through reconnection with that timeless inner space. This inner space is completely unconditioned consciousness, that place from where timeless joy and unwavering love and acceptance emanate. To sense this defies human perception.
August 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiara
I am excited to read and participate within your blog once again Liara. It brings me to a place of ease.

I can see that we are consciousness, that we are energy and that we can see and experience from endless points of view. We are nothing, but can become anything and visit any point of view we wish to feel. However, we seem to become conditioned into owning and believing that we are the personality that we are experiencing. We lock ourselves into one specific subfrequency, and that can be then described as the ego. By doing so, we lose touch with everything else and unlimited potentiality. We can have faith and detach and learn that we can maneuver to anywhere and nowhere at all.
August 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Bern, to acknowledge energy and the spirits of every form and formless thing that surrounds you, is to express gratitude for what is. As you explore different levels of presence, you reconnect with ancient language. Energy is present from many non-physical realms. Masters and teachers of all lineages are all listening and observing you at different stages of your evolution. They support you. As you move beyond the human emotional levels, you experience transmissions of light in the body that communicate on higher levels. Energy detected below the solar plexis region evokes emotion and heavier energy. As you open self to sense energy, you can journey though a person and even your deepest self through an object. You are beginning to get-to- know the energy around self so you evolve to explore shapeshifting for your greater good.
August 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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