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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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What is soul travel?

Soul travel means different things to different people. Consider what this means to you and why you come to feel this way.

Some people sense soul travel is like dreaming. At different perceived periods of time, often at night, part of you floats to separate from the physical body and reconnect with identity that is not related to your physical person. This process includes rejoining the body after perceived experiences in dream worlds. Such experiences are described as out-of-body experiences (OBEs), astral travel and lucid dreaming.

In another way, soul travel is sometimes viewed as a roller coaster ride through emotions. You sense the origin of feelings and sentiments and begin to discern subtle, underlying messages. They are generated as learning tools to shift focus of mind.  Soul encounters artifical happiness to transcend it.

As you raise awareness of a higher self, that inner voice with noble intentions, you access a detached perspective on your life choices.  This sense of courage always knows the higher good. In this way, soul travel is also associated with reincarnation, past life regression and future life progression.

Still other people sense soul is the spiritual part of your being that is only truly set free when it is disembodied permanently from your physical self. This happens from the moment of physical death. Stories and experience teach you soul has a mind of its own and exists in formless states, like when a ghost haunts a mortal person or you sense the presence of a deceased loved one while you are alive.

Another view is that soul travel is constant, inter-dimensional and multi-sensory energy. This idea suggests every being is engaged in soul travel every moment, but that their conscious awareness is not aligned with this core truth. Awakening to realities beyond the one you are conditioned to focus on reveals the single, divine Source. Your perceived identity or soul is fragmented from the Source and always on route back to aligning with the original Source. Paths back home vary.

If soul is understood as every human being, then wherever you consciously or unconsciously perceive to travel is soul travel. By extension, wherever any part of your energy essence chooses to travel, this is also soul travel. In fact, if you sense soul-splitting consciousness, you sense you are engaged in many different journeys, on different missions right now.

You might ask, if you leave dandruff in the bathtub and that goes down the drain, is that soul travel? If your clipped nails go out with the trash, is that soul travel? On some level, the answer is yes. After all, part of you is going somewhere.

In essence, many levels of soul travel exist. How you view and experience soul travel relates to awareness of energy vibration and expanding consciousness. Some levels are obvious to the human mind and others remain beyond the scope of your current understanding. Be content wherever you are.

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Reader Comments (10)

Liara -- I'm glad that my soul traveled back here today. I enjoyed this post. It made me really think. I think our souls are here for a reason and that we seek to learn. I agree with you about energy and soul travel. In a way it's comforting to think that soul travel is constant and interdimensional.

Thanks for this post:~)
August 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSara
I do think I soul travel all the time, yes. Molecules that Michelangelo breathed are floating in my rooms. Dylan's Thomas' dust is under my feel. Liberace's laugh echoes everywhere. All energy combines.
August 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, your mental and spiritual being are continually inspired by timeless mentors. You mirror bodies of light all around you. All qualities you hope to nurture within the self existed to inspire and flow into you through infinite forms and formless inspiration.
August 28, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Sara, infinite options are available to the mind. In fact, you create them precisely to remind the self that they are forever accessible. As your level of awareness expands, your sense of possibilities does as well. You attune to ideas that resonate with inner spirit at this moment.
August 28, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Dear Liara, I kept reading each idea of what soul travels means and didn't resonate with any of them until this line:

"....every being is engaged in soul travel every moment..."

I am soul and all that is around me is soul. And I feel various facets of the collective soul or all that is in each plant, rock, tree, rabbit, human and so forth. For me "soul" is vast, endless and all. It is in me, around me, of me. And I am of it.

As I once talked about, for me, there is no inside or outside or physical or non physical. It is all energy. Or more appropriately: It all IS. I realize that may be vague, but it really is how I feel and experience it. Soul is who I am. And as you say it's just a matter of consciously aligning ourselves with core truth or with what already exist, what we already ARE.

I also feel, for me, that I don't really travel, because all that IS is right here in this moment, right here, already within me and I am within all that IS. Like: "all the world in a grain of sand." For me, there is no "other". To feel the world as ME, Liara, moves me to tears. It bursts my heart with compassion so great I cry. It ALSO makes me realize the potential in prayer. That I can set my intent or prayers and it doesn't matter where someone is in the world those prayers hit their mark. It's like watering the roots of a tree. The water doesn't stop at the roots. The tree is all one living being and the water flows through the trunk and into branches and out to the leaves and is gassed off back into the atmosphere and falls again is breathed in by us and on it goes in an unbroken cycle. One living organism.

The people I pray with or for could just as easily be sitting on my living room couch with me. We are that close no matter where we are.

Thank you my dear kindred friend. You moved me to tears today and that is a beautiful thing. Love, Robin
August 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRobin Easton
Robin, as you imply, soul travel does not necessarily mean physical or any kind of perceived displacement as humans would traditionally understand it. To feel interconnected with everything in the same moment suggest parts of consciousness connect instantaneously with other realms or levels of consciousness. To sense energy moves faster than the speed of light denotes a kind of movement that is not measured or perceived in human terms. Soul travel therefore, can also be viewed as a soul level, inter-connectedness or soul-splitting. Love energy travels in thoughts and feelings. Love is soulful energy. You share and experience soul your way. It is always on route back to Source. Soul is also already there at Source, in spirit.
August 29, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. I know my mother sees people, relatives and people I'm not sure about. However since she had her hospitalisation earlier in the year and we've had some challenges with the Home .. she's stopped talking to the 'spirits', which I think is a huge pity.

She saw quite regularly her uncle and his wife, both of whom she nursed to their death in the Residential Home she owned, and small children and others .. she's seen her mother .. and as I mentioned earlier she had an OBE in London over 2 years ago.

I encourage it and am pleased to hear about them .. we weave real life stories into her visions .. Mum always wants to go to Cornwall .. so we laugh about getting there. At one stage she had a People's Palace .. and we could fit her bed in, and staff etc .. we could laugh about the ramifications .. it was a good release.

I hope the spirits come back, as she had solace with them, also she doesn't talk to herself as much now. She has an airdale she inherited from another of her patients .. and Hardwick provides great solace to her.

Life is out there .. I don't connect yet .. one day ..
thanks - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
August 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, rest assured that just because your mom is not noticably speaking with spirits, this does not mean she has necessarily stopped communicating with them. Telepathy is a common means, but not the only available option. This kind of work is done when sender and receiver of information are at the same energy vibration and intention is mutually-understood.

Fo more detail, Alice A. Bailey has written a very precise book on Telepathy which may be available in a local library or another nearby location. In this work, she explains telepathy and details how is exchanged.
a) from solar plexis to solar plexus (specific chakras)
b) from heart to heart
c) from mind to mind
d) from soul to soul
e) from soul to mind
f) between soul, mind and brain
g) between one person and a group
h) subjective and objective groups
i) from physical to spiritual entity

In these cases, dialogue occurs though energy vibration. Animals and human beings can also attune and read each other's energy vibration. You do not always need words or verbal recognition of exchanges.The fact you write about the topic suggests you are at a level of awareness where you are ready to explore further and learn more.
August 30, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Fascinating and even that much more powerful as I just became acquainted with Tom Campbell's work and he is an expert in this area of soul travel.

Now I wonder, have you looked into soul shifting and if so, how do you see that? Is there perhaps a post you have on it that I could read?
September 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEvita

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