8 Points by Enlightened Masters

Enlightened ones encourage you to value simplicity and connect with the guru or enlightened master within yourself. It is suggested mind exists in the human system to remind you what you are not. When you honestly sense bliss without doubt, you no longer question what you are. By studying soulful teachings and meditating, I offer the following for reflection so you reconnect with love within;
1) As you accept yourself fully, you accept everyone. So long as you do not fully accept self, you do not accept others as they are. It all mirrors the degree to which love flows freely.
2) When you deny unconditional acceptance, you deny core happiness and all you are. Focus on why you would deny inner joy, find the root and deconstruct your illusions.
3) No need for any proof to show you are enlightened. When you desire proof, you are not.
4) You cannot manipulate things. Perception does it to you. You do not possess anything or you could manipulate it. Things manipulate you when you give away your inner power.
5) When you meditate you go nowhere. You enter thoughtless awareness. You remember that you never leave or abandon the authentic self. You connect with a fountain of inner bliss.
6) Miracles unfold due to trust. This has nothing to do with the powers of an enlightened master. Sometimes miracles happen in the presence of a master, sometimes they do not. A perceived miracle does not affect what a master is. You sense soulfulness and a paradim shift.
7) You do not exist to contradict or conflict, but to fulfill, expand on what exists. Only the mind imagines problems. Liberate self from the need to feel liberated. Be what you are.
8) Everyone reflects who they are by their chosen path. Each soul reunites with source to realize the folly of his judgment.

Reader Comments (8)
1) When we are comfortable with the perceived Self, one can slip away from the Self to the space where all things arise from. Any attachment keeps one seperated fully from Nirvana.
2) When the mind is elsewhere other than the Moment, follow it to where it is. Ask it to come back with you where it can once again feel the warmth of the Light.
3) One can only try to prove something in a container filled with things. 1 + 1 = 2 can only be proved in duality. In an enlightened state, one is outside the realm of form and containers where the numbers can no longer be held. In an enlightened state one rises above the noise generated by the constant change. One has to return to the container to engage in the noise and will no longer be enlightened.
4) One can not manipulate things because the real you is beyond the things. However, when an attachment to a thing occurs, it takes a part of your core energy to feed it, therefore it feeds off of you. It convinces one that it is needed to sustain the perceived egoic you. Egoic components of life hypnotise others to energetically maintain themselves outside the realm of pure source.
5) In meditation, one must fully let go to achieve a sense of bliss. If one tries to meditate, they will not achieve a state of meditation. Bliss is achieved through total surrender to what Is.
6) Miracles occur when one surrenders one's personal will or egoic state of experiencing life and through the intentions to unknot lifes heavier circumstances.
7) Try to achieve nothing but flow with everything. Become what feels excitable.
8) When one slips back into the source, they can then see that the judgements, and the fears, and the attachments are what kept them away from Source in the first place.
When you feel what is good and untangled, one does not want to return to gluttony.
1) One view is nirvana is salvation. The irony is belief in or quest for deliverance assumes a need for redemption.
2) The future is in the past and the past is in the future.
3) To sense nothingness is to exist where noise is absent.
4) To feel energy is to realize how its harnessed & hijacked
5) To exert effort is to resist surrender.
6) Miracles are also events that just are.
7) Do or do not is all there is (no in-between).
8) To detach from personality is to reunite with soul.