David Wilcox speaks on 2012

Other videos are also available in this series. How do you feel about perceived shifts of consciousness and your sense of multi-dimensional changes? If the realm you live in is not all there is, and if time-space as you know it is an illusion you can understand differently, what do you sense is going on?
Reader Comments (11)
Light awakens DNA.
Shamans are early human explorers of higher dimensions. Some of the highest dimensions are said to consist of prime geometric shapes. The shapes must act like an energetic alphabet where when combined and overlayed created higher forms. Each overlapping dimension builds or subtracts upon the next.
Light, electromagnetism, symbols, and others may be specific vehicles of language in differing dimensions that help to create form as we know it and don't know it.
The shamans were able to explore these realms and bring back the information for humanity to understand their place in the cosmos. But information is power in todays world. Therefore, the basics of understanding the self have been deprived to manipulate the masses to milk them of their energy which normally would go into manifesting their own personal dreams.
ok new conspiracy theory: we are being fed carbinated sodas and flouride toothpaste to calcify our pineal glands so we can not empower ourselves :)
And the more I learn, the less I know. But the more I learn I see things are absolutely breath-takingly beautiful by design. I would watch more in this series, yes.
Our consciousness is very powerful, more powerful than I ever realized.