Experience the Heaven of Now

You decide where you perceive self to be, what to feel and how to expand, evolve or remember. Share in this timeless journey and connect with the perfect, expanding being you are. The nature of your focused thoughts manifests everything that enters your scope of awareness and far more. How do you feel at this stage?
Reader Comments (10)
Very very nice, and inspiring video, Liara. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful thing.
Love :)
and to answer Rizal, the 4th dimension is TIME.
Thanks C. Om, thanks Liara :)
I just wrote a long comment here and cyber space ate it. Oh, well, here goes again. Another try. :)
Hi dear Liara, I LOVE the last part of this video which describes, what they call, the 5th dimension. YES to all of it. I absolutely know this. It was reflecting myself to me. Although, because I don't think linearly I don't see things in terms of 3rd, 4th, and 5th etc. For me that is limited thinking (and creating) for myself and those around me. I see things as all happening NOW. I have almost no grasp of time anymore. I tend not to see hierarchies or progressions. I see only AWAKENINGS to what ALREADY is. And I see all as serving an interconnected purpose or presence or IS, and all of equal value in relation to the whole. And yet, (LOL!) at the same time, for me, there is no purpose and no serving; there just IS. That is why I have no desire to help or heal others. I see them as already healed and in perfection. They cannot be ANYTHING less than this. Not if I SEE them as what they REALLY are, as what REALLY is, which is the DIVINE.
I guess another part of this that I've experienced is that once I awaken to myself, that which was (what we humans call) "before" no longer exists to me. It's as if it NEVER did exist. Because, for me, it REALLY didn't. All that exists is perfection and love. Although I may speak of some memory or "past" event it is NO longer past. I embrace all things as NOW. It was wonderful and beautiful to have myself reflected back to me in the last part of the video. All the ways that I am...that we ALL already are. Much love to you dear soul, Robin PS I too am subscribed to this YouTube channel and it IS lovely. Although I'd not had time to see this one. Love it. :)