Be ready for anything

Recognize the universe does not bring you anything that you are not ready to receive. You trigger your own revelations. The criteria for your reality is constantly shifting. As you interpret it with only physical senses, you limit how you view or experience reality. You are discovering that as you ignore any reality that does not enable you to feel good, those things disappear. They are no longer part of your reality.
You know what is going on. You choose to resist temptation of what keeps you feeling less than you are. As you take your attention away from the things that bother you, those things fade away and you only experience solutions. To deactivate what troubles or irritates you, what is unpleasant, or painful, simply let it go. Stop thinking about it, talking about it, writing about it, or otherwise reinforcing it in your life. Only focus on wellness, love, strength, courage, insight and you know you are ready for anything. Let nothing faze you. Direct the thinking mind to your advantage. Align with the fearless, limitless being this is you.
Reader Comments (20)
Many people are conditioned to focus on the black hole of life. Every thought that has ever been thought still exists. People wonder where thoughts they do not see go. When you do not have access to certain thoughts in a given moment, you may assume you forget or deny them. Another perspective is you are out of alignment with them. They do not resonate on the same wavelength where you are at. Everything vibrates in its own way. You can feel positive and vibrate that frequency to draw more reasons to feel positive. You can feel negative and vibrate that frequency and reinforce reasons to feel that way. Everything is a purposeful choice and contributes to your ongoing growth and expansion. What you do not think or feel still exists somewhere right now. You can focus on 'one side of the coin' without denying the existence of the other. You simply understand that what you allow mind to think becomes your experience. You can also consciously transcend what you outgrow.
It always comes back to choose a better thought. I have many ready for those times when things don't have the smoothest course! Before I become immersed in the misery, I pick the happiest thought I can and immerse myself in the joy of that instead. Was I able to do this right away? With some practice and having the lovely moments firmly in my mind, I am able to roll away unscathed... :) My life is so beautiful! Have a great week Liara...
When I think back to some songs I may have brought to full fruition before, I am more evolved now to not even give those leanings more than an observation and a let-go.
Great post, very timely for me: I had one of those days yesterday and I relate to what you have said. This is great: Align with the fearless, limitless being this is you.