Its already done

Whatever you ask for, its already a reality. You accept this or resist allowing it into you life. You are the only thing that prevents you from experiencing what exists for you. As you nurture a dream and choose to feel exhilarated, it is coming into your focus. Only your doubt prevents it. The dream generates energy that allows life to pulsate through you. Be focused, single-minded. Conjure sensations of what you are already.
Every moment, you are altering your perception, your cell structure, your capabilities. Its all part of energy expansion. You are doing incredible things and you feel all of it until you try to involve people with different beliefs. Reach for the alignment, the beingness, not approval. Feel what inspires you at the core. Be that.
Reader Comments (8)
This post really resonated with me. There are times I really believe I'm there! I'm aligned and doing everything right with myself and my life, then I let someone in who is a doubter. I allow their negativity to hurt me and take me off my course. I allow their different beliefs to affect me. I'm going to reach for my beingness and not the approval of others! Thanks Liara.
I just wanted to say thank you for the nice comments on my blog. It took me a while to get back to you (we're in the middle of a house reno) but I wanted to let you know that I appreciated your kind words!
Nessa Dee
Therefore, how we read the we write the script.... puts into motion an outcome derived from our imaginations. How fast this process unfolds is then determined by what we accept or do not accept about what we have invited before us in this very moment. But the conclusion is already done beyond time. The journey to the end of our vision is Now.