Who is the dispassionate witness?

When you identify with mind, you may view self as different from or even superior to, a point of reference. You may ask, "Am I a human looking at a tree or a tree imagining I am human?" You may ask, "Am I the mountain coming toward a human or a human approaching a mountain?" or, "Am I observing the accused in court or the awareness of unresolved fear, guilt and a yen for self-purification within?" Regardless of chosen examples, what matters is why you open to a given experience, and what do you feel invited to remember now?
As long as you notice difference, you are lost in illusion at the level of mind and obscure reality. When there is a self, this is the witness. In pure consciousness, nothing happens. The witness to whatever you are experiencing right now is not a person. This comes into being when you create reason for it. Everything is a momentary event unless you mkae something out of nothing. How is that synchronicity?

Reader Comments (6)
Am I a human looking at a tree or a tree imagining I am human?
Thank you for pointing out there is no difference in it... it is a very good reminder. Like a slap on the face, hahahahaha :D
"Who is the dispassionate witness?", may also be accurately made into a statement "WHO is the dispassionate witness!!" Who is a statement saying that we are disconnected to the object of our attention. Any question then creates a situation where we seek an answer or invite the lost information to return to us through the process of synchronization. Being dispassionate about something is a feeling of not being connected to what we would like to experience. We become passionate when we connect from Moment to Moment with the energy that draws our attention and returns to us. Passion is a knowing or a resonance of tapping into our greater perceived self. When we live in the Moment, we see...we experience...we summon with awareness the situations or creations or spirit that we then embrace fully. It is synchronicity because we instantly recognize that we are receiving that which we have wished for or have called upon to interact with, knowing that we are assembling the environment we engage ourselves with by understanding that we are projecting our own unique version of reality as if it were a scripted movie that we are writing as we take each breath.
Therefore, if we end asking questions, we are freed up to consciously create the next moment by witnessing that which we intend to align ourselves with through our multi-dimensional senses. One could also then say that our senses are not only receiving information from the perceived external world, but may actually be sending out information until we fully connect with our surroundings, creating a reunion of Oneness and Fullness. Then there is no more giving and/or receiving because we are walking and breathing in a bubble that has always been One Being. Once full integration takes place, nothing happens because it has always been. There is no more separation and nothing needs to be seeked. Life is just lived and experienced.
Happy Holi-life