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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Shrink the monster

As you focus on the experience of feeling healthy, joyful and sharing that, you extend this state of being.  When you focus on difficulties, you feed them, enabling them to grow.  Every unkind thought, word or self-criticism gives the inner monster energy and power over you. Buddha calls them 'anger-eating demons.'

How would your life experience change if you treated situations or people that evoke discomfort with love and kindness?  Imagine all the difficult people you encounter, those who mistreat you or trigger negative feelings.  What do they teach? People are often unaware of what they do.  Rather than get angry, why not view everything as a wonderful opportunity to laugh and grow? Then the world laughs with, not at you. 

What if the most difficult person in life is actually you? In order to learn to live with people who push your buttons, it is first necessary to gain insight into and grow more accepting of your true essence.  Then you realize how people relate to you does not always reflect how they truly feel.  Notice what happens as you show compassion, appreciate everyone as they are.  How you see shifts with your patience and kindness. 

Remember how to stop being your own enemy. Relax. Accept who you are. Knowing the causes of being difficult enables you to recognize how to shrink the monster within. You come to reailze difficult people are projections of your own rejection. Suddenly, difficulty is a figment of your imagination. As you come to understand true self, then nothing and nobody are difficult.  Be still and the source of irritation disappears.

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Reader Comments (4)

yeah, I am my best own enemy, an issue I'm trying to break free of. It's hard
July 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaige von
Hi Liara .. I think I'm achieving that .. and once I'm through this challenging period ..then those thoughts will be at the forefront more and I can add to them. I do laugh a lot .. but I can be silent if I'm upset .. it doesn't happen often - because I won't let it ... but occasionally one is in that position... and it's something I need to transcend.

Good to read - thank you .. Hilary
July 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Paige, everything is as hard or as easy as you decide it is. Raising awareness serves you.
July 24, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hilary, to begin to recognize the monster challenges exist in your mind reminds you that how you view things is a choice. As you decide to allow yourself to feel all emotions then you can also learn to be more of an observer rather than engage in the drama and be controlled by them. Everything is a meaningful teacher. Everyone is both a student and a teacher.
July 24, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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