Treasure is here and now

Notice the mind has you focus attention anywhere but the present moment. The mind tells you that what you want is within reach, is something to work toward. Yet it distracts you from the gift of being. Direct experience offers treasures found in the pocket and heart.
What happens as you recognize the ultimate gift is being who you are right now? There is nobody to blame. Forgiveness is unnecessary. Nothing is required for loving and appreciating the priceless treasure that is. The essence of being knows nobody judges you but yourself. Watch what happens as you do not identify with anything. Unlearn, let go and be. Harmony with divine nature and true presence already are.
"Every problem has a gift for you in its hands." - Richard Bach
Reader Comments (10)
Those who bury treasure ware their fortune and are therefore unfortunate souls.
Ramana Maharshi shares a related story. A thief commits a theft, goes home, changes his clothes into a police uniform. Then, he goes out to find the perpetrator. In essence, those people who think they can help others find innate treasure are not in the vicinity.
Or maybe when we reach the center, there is an option to shoot into a white dispersal cone like sand falling through an hour glass. But who Is it that shall turn it over again for a new ride with the sand falling into new places in new relationship to other sand particles within its glass container universe.
Real Treasure Cannot be Bought or Sold.