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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Why seek inspiration?

Notice how many people regularly seek Inspiration in their lives. Some people are teeming with endless inspiration that flows freely through their entire being while others struggle to find sources of inspiring thoughts, ideas, endeavours. What are your sources of inspiration? Do you look outside yourself or do you turn inward and listen heart and soul? When does inspiration come to you? Does any environment help?

What matters to you speaks to you and through you in different ways.  Much depends on how you listen and on what you choose to hear. Inspiration does not necessarily require words to convey its message.  Notice the wind and weather, sound vibration, colour, texture and other sensations are other languages that share what they have to say.  Notice endless sources of inspiration connect with who you are. What do you sense and feel? Every moment is full of opportunities to allow what matters to get its message across.  Stillness speaks.  Notice what stands out to inspire you now.

"Reach high, for stars lay hidden in your soul.  Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." -Pamela Vaull Starr 

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Reader Comments (6)

Maybe, it is not inspiration we are seeking. We're merely seeking a way to reconnect with it. To remember. Like one struggling to recall a forgotten past.
June 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRizal Affif
One initially seeks inspiration because when something new comes ringing at the door, it shakes our very foundations and has us buzzing like a bee, having us pollinate all that surrounds us. It makes one feel connected to their very core of being. However, inspiration doesn't come when one seeks it out. The seeking is an initiation or a purposeful intention that will show results when one then stops within their inner environment to let it consume them with the information that is embedded within it. So the soul then feasts on this information of spirit, and the spirit feasts upon the soul.

Life can be filled with continuous inspiration. In this way, the world and the universe is always speaking to them. One has to merely be available and vacant where nothing is sounding off in the inner ears, so that what ever is here now for us, can be fully taken in and absorbed to heart. This information is then repackaged in another language and broadcast like a bird that can not help but sing to the sun that is rising. However no words are even required. Inspiring words and art and actions may come of it all, but what is pure is still being sent out energetically in a rippling effect to all of nature.

With me, in Nature, I often have a quiet mind when I receive the essence that knows my name. I have nothing often to say of it, however, this energy or non acting inspiration then is gifted to all that is available and becomes part of the food chain, inspiring all components of any habitat to move into new niches of exploration. A plant then hears and responds to me quietly and yet clearly, as a new part of its self is activated and stimulated for the joy of Living.

Everything then Inspires Here and Now. Its just a matter of what we call to our attention or that which we would like to appreciate and bring value unto the earth.
June 17, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter~ bern ~
Rizal, love it when a question answers a question. It is common to think you are seeking one thing when what you are truly after is quite another. Much love.
June 17, 2011 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bern, the here and now is all that is. To sense being as an experience that exists outside time reveals what feels natural. It suddenly feels quite natural to let go of what the mind views as necessary points of reference. The mind is not you. The revelation that you need nothing to be arises as you connect with and truly feel the energy that flows through everything. In this sense, one does not talk to plants or insects. This feels like reality as more barriers fall away and more deeper layers of truth reveal themselves. One only ever actually talks to oneself.
June 17, 2011 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I sense that often people put on a veil of expectation of how and where their inspiration is supposed to come from, and in this way they often block it or simply can't see it when it comes up.

So when one releases expectations of how and when inspiration will present itself they most likely will be surprised to see that they have been surrounded with inspiration, ripe for the picking!
June 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterStacey
Stacey, what fear hides still resides within you. Expectation emerges out of the fear of not having, getting or becoming. It is focused on a future moment. Intuition arises to reveal inner truth. This is beyond the your ability to fear. The ego's purpose is to fear, to nurture your belief that you are separate from God (source), Nature and all that is. You choose what you are ready to see and hear. What you accept is your changing reality. That which is unchanging is the only true reality.
June 19, 2011 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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