What are you right now?

The human part of you plans and questions. It constructs belief systems and perceptions grounded in the past and future and invites you to focus there. The mind prompts you to act, to do and become. How can you let go of who you think you are?
Being is perfectly content. It has no plans. It does no judge. It has no ambitions or judgments. It does not seek to understand. The feeling of joyful knowing arises naturally. It is the recognition nothing can control you and you control nothing. You have all control without controlling everything. It exists in the present moment.
What happens as you awaken as a 'human- being?' You shift focus of attention and see everything from expanding vantage points. You revert to innocence and no longer exert effort to be untrue to what is. You no longer believe but know. A connection to wholeness never leaves you. The love, freedom, presence is all right here. What are you right now?
"I discovered that I am tired of being a person. Not just tired of being the person I was, but any person at all" -Susan Sontag
Reader Comments (6)
-Leroy Brownlow
I'm a natural born "planner". Planning has helped me achieved so very much...For example, when I was working full time and raising two little children, without planning, my life (and household! LOL) would have been chaotic and less functional. I "Feel" better with a plan.
Even in my free time, planning acts like the blueprint for creating my dreams....Is this just a matter of semantics?
I understand how one can let go of plans and just be - when they don't have to report to work by...what advise can you give those of us who appear to function better with a plan?