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Master the intuition

Many people are beginning to notice something arising through intuition that they are unable to identify. Notice the feelings that arise within you as you hear and or use the term 'intuition'. Perhaps you sense this assists you, but you do not always trust it fully. What if you do? What if trusting in the unseen, the inexplicable completely actually brings more fulfillment and peace than you can imagine in the mind? Get ready to allow life to unfold in front of you and within.

Consider what it feels like to master intuition. Stepping into its flow means stepping out of your mind. Notice being soulful is being honest and listening to the heart. What does clarity feel like? Who is asking? How does allowing intuition to be your guide transform how and what you see?

"One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself."
-Leonardo Da Vinci

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Reader Comments (2)

Intuition is energy from one's own inner kingdom,
In to an inner nation of collective experience.

Perhaps, for some, intuition then comes from their higher self which embodies the soul experience of all lifetimes lived.

For others, intuition may come from the akashic records or from the collective unconscious.

Perhaps intuition comes from anything we place our focus upon. Therefore, when one connects to another entity beneath the illusion of form , or is immersed in a moment where one is bathed in energies, one then takes In new knowledge. Intuition then is a means of speaking and listening clearly to what is being exchanged in any given situation.
July 27, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter~ bern ~
Bernie, diverse perspectives exist. Intuition is also a cosmic teacher. It is energy from other worlds/ universes that transfers through you into this world. This flow is ongoing and enables you to experience unquestionable truth as well as the indescribable. During some instances, you may feel like you are turning inside out or even opening receivers that sense many dimensions. You expand into All as spiritual energy and then contract back into more localized, familiar states. Inner being knows intuition as a force so strong nothing on Earth can stop it.
July 27, 2011 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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