Know where you want to be

Knowing where you want to be is the crux of everything. The mind may tell you one thing and the heart another. How do you reconcile things? Is there any need?
It serves you to get in touch with the nature of your personality, your motivations and underlying fears. Consider the possibility that your choices and experiences are intricately connected to aspects of yourself that are not always fully conscious. Notice what you are committed to and determined to make happen. Could it be thoughts you are thinking and actions you are taking do not feel the best? It is always possible to tap into healthy energy and new inspiration. Get in touch with what matters to the soul.
"Things won are done, joy's soul lies in the doing." -William Shakespeare
Reader Comments (3)
To experience transition, one is in alignment with other stars that are neither near nor far, but which are always here and everywhere, as humans each have a different type of celestial microscope or telescope to make conscious that intimate connection that always beams with promise.