Feel the love that is

The more you let go, the more love actually reveals itself to and through everything. It demands nothing, needs nothing and is, in essence, nothing you can pin down. It is like the gift of feeling peace and contentment or the presence of life itself. Recognize the sun rises and sets the same way everywhere. The only difference is what you see.
Similarly, consider how you tell when night ends and morning begins. One perspective is light and darkness exist in the same moment. The focus of your attention is based on what you are ready and willing to accept, that is love and accept the essence of being fully or remain shrouded in fear and doubt. You observe difference or sameness, focus on separation (and difference)or unity. From the moment you look into the eyes of another and see the reflection of God or spirit, then dawn breaks. Unconditional love arises and it has no opposite. It is what it is. Silence takes over to play its own tune.
"Most humans, I've noticed, are trying to figure out what's wrong and then change it. The truth is, if we become comfortable with who we are rather than who we think we should be, then we will be less insecure." -Daniel Gottlieb
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