Life turns around quickly

Amazing things unfold in life. Notice what happens as you keep all options open and allow yourself to notice what is going right. As you do the best you can where you are, you begin to realize, there is no such thing as purposelessness. Here and now is where your future is being made. Watch what happens as you make use of what you know to help others with kindness and good intentions. Doors are already opening in directions that you could not possibly imagine.
Notice true freedom exists outside your comfort zone. This is not a state of mind but a state of being. Be aware of your habits and expectations. Let them go. If ever you hear yourself using the words "wrong" or "mistake," catch yourself. In truth, nothing is ever wrong with you. All experience is just that. You may simply not allow yourself to see it. This revelation is some kind of wonderful. Life turns around quickly as you remove the clouds blocking the silver lining.
"Too many people miss the silver lining because they are expecting gold." -Maurice Setter
Reader Comments (4)
Mistakes also then are flipped into the positive polarity of every situation being an opportunity. But then this also implies that one is then searching for opportunity or for the gain of something that was once perceived as lost. Again, with full surrender to one's inner and outer environment, a melt down occurs that allows one's essence to blend in beautifully and harmoniously in any given moment beyond and reasoning, rationale, or boundaries.
Events then are no longer beautiful, but Life and True Living Is Always Beautiful which is one eternal grand event through ongoing invention.
Loving your ongoing Creativity Liara on the leading edge of creation.......