Is multi-tasking the solution?

People continue to ask me about the value of multi-tasking. How often do you tell yourself that you are doing a lot yet, feel you are getting virtually nothing done? Feel like you are struggling unnecessarily or going nowhere fast? That's because you are. See the point?
In essence, experience is the best teacher. You offer yourself wisdom every moment but have selective awareness based on judging what is useful. Stop judging and then see what happens.
As you begin to slow down, you see clearer. Be your Dream. Realize it is not just noticing you do the things you do that's important. It's also being conscious of them, seeing you attribute or overlook value in everything. Only you can uncover the underlying purpose behind your own apparent madness. Delve deeper. Nothing is purposeless. Every behaviour speaks through you.
"Multi-tasking arises out of distraction itself." - Marilyn vos Savant
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Cheers Hilary