What are you looking for?

As you participate in this world, you are invited to explore all the sensations and delights you can imagine. This gives life to the dream. Discover what you are truly looking for.
1) Appreciate the element of surprise. Notice you cannot consciously surprise yourself. Yet, it is through jolts of surprise that the most life-changing experiences unfold. Surprises are priceless. Who is the knower- creator of all surprises? Who is the experiencer?
2) Listen to a sound. The whole point of mantra is that they mean nothing. The idea of repeating what is senseless is to liberate you from the notion that the universe means anything.
3) Be open to Satori. Be totally selfish or continually altruistic and you come to realize you only come to realize yourself through the other. He that loses himself, finds himself. He that would save his life, would lose it. Revelations all point to the same message. Life is a teacher.

Reader Comments (2)
People use mantras all of the time, yet they are often unconscious. They say the same thing habitually over and over again, and so it manifests its self so that it is true and reoccurs over and over again in their lives as if it were true for everyone. They then point to the sky and say see..... its there.... can't you see it.... oh yes there it is... it is true now that you point to it. The mantra then spreads like a virus and suddenly society adopts the mantra as if it were absolute truth within the collective culture. However, a mantra can also free or liberate a person from habitual thought patterns through the intent of dismantling or dispersing engrained energy fields. The mantra then is like a blessing or light gun that penetrates and breaks the chain of repeated steps that arise in this moment from the past or the future. Ladders are broken and stairs fall apart to reveal a timeless space which then is achieved through conscious intent to override unconscious wave patterns that return over and over again until its orbiting moon causing the waves returns and crashes back into one's inner core of being.
Revelations are likened to getting the punch line to a joke where the joke isn't funny, but where the fun is in repealing the words where there is nothing to spell out. The magic has been realized and comes home to the miracle that life is. Getting the punch line is like lassoing anything that gets our attention and then reeling the line back to where nothing and everything exists within. Satori then is seeing nothing and everything in an endless moment. In satori, the teacher has retired and the student seeks nothing to learn.
Beautiful greetings to you Liara from Lima Montana.... 800 miles into our 2,700 mile journey along the spine of the Rocky Mountains.