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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Experience more joy

Emotions are a reliable gauge to help you feel your way into the best place or choice for you at a given moment. Wondering whether to travel somwehere, to take part in an event, to contact someone, to stay in or move from a place, or simply wondering what to do? Choose what brings you more joy. Go with the flow of joy.  Consider these 4 tips:

1) Manifest from a state that is aligned with highest Self. From the moment you truly get this, life choices are always made from a place of love with the intention to do more of what you love and to empower others to love more wherever they are and find new blessings in their soul journey.

2) Recognize joy is a barometer for soul alignment.  If you feel like you are dragging yourself along, then you are not living from the heart.  You know you are aligned when no such things as 'work' exists, when you lose a sense of linear time and details for how things happen simply fall into place.

3) Respond to judgement with love. People do not always understand the origin of your joy because everyone is inspired by different things. When you are doing what feels right in the heart, it does not matter what other people say or do not say. It is not a question of obtaining approval because you love and accept what you do wherever you are.

4) Tune into synchronicity.  Feeling your way along implies trusting what the mind does not understand or would like to talk you out of doing. It is about noticing everything is connected, choosing steps or directions on your path based on what feels right and what you intuit is the right thing now. 

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Reader Comments (2)

So, let's say I often run into long distance hikers or people noted to be substantial characters in the hiking world. The synchronicities are against the odds, but is anything to be done with the event. Isn't the synching a reflection of the vibration one is currently at? It may also be simultaneously an amping up of a bandwidth where two waves combine into something stronger that the environment or world assimilates into being. So the merging becomes a bright light or hub in a light matrix shooting out new strands for others to follow. The synchronicity then perhaps also changes or expands each character in the encounter both in conscious and unconscious ways. So in a sense the encounter opens a door into a new universe, causing each person to attract new encounters in their lives.
May 17, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterbern
Bern, you are a portal into infinite universes. Every encounter is indeed a doorway to whatever experience or destination you imagine into being.
May 19, 2015 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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