Make smooth transitions

It is easily observed that the familiar world is changing. Uprisings and upheavals suggest change is upon us. Humans are conditioned to forget true nature or infinite being, to thus resist change, feel insecure, and fear the unknown.
The thing is, a thinking mind can only review the past or look toward the future for answers. Being is only aware of what is happening NOW. It is purely intuitive and aware. The logical mind attempts to catch up with intuitive ways of doing and being. The third dimensional (3-D) paradigm is grounded in reference points, logic and limitation. Higher existence is ultra-dimensional, without reference and thought cannot exist here. Intuition is one's pilot. Making smooth transitions is about seeing bigger reasons for change, being willing to step outside the familliar, going with the flow, adapting to the new.
The more you grow aware of thoughts, the more you realize everything is vibration. The more you observe thoughts as they arise, the easier it is to wait before you act, let go of belief filters you outgrow. The more you trust, the easier it is to face your fears, and accept who you truly are. More subtle intuition gets through, and perception expands. Releasing filters enables you to tune into more expansive parts of yourself and function well in new conditions. Empowering you to adapt with confidence is what we're about. Contact us.
Reader Comments (3)
Dream symbols are indeed everywhere. This 3-D paradigm is a dream. As one becomes awakened here, one sees how inherently unstable this dream is, and how in the end this dream will become overrun by unfavorable subconscious projections as tension builds in this dimension. It is impossible for a suppressed subconscious to remain so indefinitely – and what is suppressed can and does appear externally in this world in the form of dream projections that appear real. Anything that manifests in this world is the product of someone’s projections – either one’s own or that of another.
As we generally encounter our own projections, we have the power to move through the dream worlds and resolve these troubling aspects of our being. If we do not, they will become more intense and shake up our lives – in the form of unfavorable conditions and ‘apparently’ real people, who then act up in our lives.
Another issue altogether are dream projections that are not ours – but part of the collective dream of humanity. World leaders, terrorists, wars, diseases and other crises cover much of it. The collapse of structures is caused by humanity's collective refusal to awaken. The denial of the truth creates massive subconscious tension that gives rise to more extreme dream projections. The ultimate purpose of the 3-D dream is to awaken as a collective humanity, whatever it requires. The more human 'beings' who recall their true being, the closer we get to the tipping point, that point from which the collective dream projection shifts to reflect a new, more expansive, mass consciousness.
So like at this parade, and I have seen this banner several times in Wisconsin, there is the belief and the lie that is being lived that Freedom is not free. Wow, it's like a blatant root distortion which trickles down into everything and it was leading the parade. They stopped and fired real bullets into the air to reinforce violence and that which followed became a celebration of trickle down lies, violence, and overlord mentality. The parade was luring children into this energy with candy. It was a surreal unconscious ritual and negative rite of passage. On one level, it is what it is, and I should let it go, on another, I am drawn to enter the energy and talk to it and reshape it. It is like I have to have some sort of rational inner discussion to show that freedom is free and to be free, freedom can not be forced, since this group is stuck in a rational energy thread. It seems that only a new type of rationale can untie their beliefs. Not that rational thought is supreme, but maybe one has to approach them energetically in their own Language, but done so, not in person, but by whispering the truth to them into their bubble world from outside their bubble. Or maybe my mere presence erodes the lie with the power of quiet truth.
I have the sense that the world can not make blanket rules or laws without my consent. So instead of fighting something, I become a pillar of truth that automatically disassembles structures that doesn't not include the whole. Everything has to be on the same page and consciously in agreement with a vision for the dream to be stable.