3 reasons to trust yourself more

What would you say that if every moment, you have the option to view every event of your life as a stepping stone to the unforeseen? What if you begin to view right where you are as a pivotal moment, a turning point, to competely shifting your sense of reality? Have you ever said to yourself: what if I had the courage to make life choices that bring me closer to experiencing my ideal life? First, you would need to know what that ideal life is or feels like. Clarifying this vision is easier than imagined. Visions evolve with us. Consider three reasons to trust yourself more:
1. Sense that the feeling of "risk" changes
At different life stages, we create and grow aware of different kinds of comfort zones. Creating dreams is one way we concretize or challenge our comfort zones. We constantly ask ourselves, how far are we willing to go to realize dreams or reach certain goals? In other words, what am I willing to risk or sacrifice in order to change some experience or overcome fear of inadequacy?
Invite you to view an example: 'my biggest risk ever' post series.
Biggest risk ever follow-up #2
Biggest risk ever follow-up #3
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."
-Marianne Williamson
2. Act to have no regrets
Regardless of ares of life you contemplate, the key to growth is to make choices that allow you to push the envelope. That is, desirable action is that which does not have you asking, what would have happened if I had done that? Reflect on when you trust or doubt instincts, hesitate or go down unfamilliar paths. What is the universe inviting me to do if my job is no longer? or you are restless where you are? Only you know how it feels if you are holding yourself back or moving forward.
3. Do the unthinkable
Have a you ever reached a stage in your life where you feel ready or willing to move away from much or all you know? Maybe this involves letting go or moving on from relationships you outgrow, changing job or career, somehow taking things to reach a whole new level. Points of reference form your identity or sense of security. Letting go is a process. To develop greater fearlessness requires you take steps to stretch yourself, do the unthinkable, venture into more of the unknown. If you have ever changed jobs, moved house, or considered other big changes, you know the feeling of fear can also be felt as excitement. Reflect on examples of big changes you have made or are making. Are these proactive or reactive behaviours? What do you feel and what is being reflected back in responses from people around you?
**As I write this post, I am preparing to move 5000km with my family. This is a symptom of shifting priorities, trusting intuition more fully and being more authentic. This path involves finishing renovations to get ready for house sale, letting go of what is outgrown or no longer used, researching school and new home options while being increasingly transparent, open and deepening connections. All of this is clarifying a new path.
Any changes in or discomfort you feel about your external world reflects ongoing internal shifts. Although I have moved many times before, this current experience takes things to a whole new level for me. What would take things to a whole new level for you in this world? What grounds you, enables you to feel human?
Awakening cannot be learned...it is a process of growth...it's what happens when you grow through total living. Its born of living in total awareness. -Isira
Reader Comments (2)
Aha moment's or changes in viewpoints allows us to know and feel the greater picture which then attracts new reflections and people and situations to match ones New understanding and greater outlook.
When we see something new in an old situation, one awakens where ones dream has risen to the surface for introspection and integration.