5 Tips to create consciously

Many people find themselves in limbo, somewhere between the past and future but not completely present. You may feel like your physical body and attention are in a one place, relationship, job or set of conditions, while the mind resists letting go of thoughts. Maybe you still have a house on the market in one place and see it sold, yet already live in another place and have not seen final sale in real time. Maybe you desire closure from a relationship to move on, yet grudges, conflicts or ties linger. Maybe you are focusing on a career transition yet cannot get your mind off unfinished business elsewhere. What is it with straddling past and future? Would you like to finish one chapter, tie up loose ends and shift completely into a new role, view of yourself or lifestyle? Consider 5 tips to create consciously (and shift into the best version of you) :
1. Focus on the best emotional outcome
By now, it is likely you no longer have new emotional experiences. What is new are exterior conditions that create, trigger or simulate emotions. Each situation invites you to re-act as you did originally. Mastering your emotions implies seeing every situation as fresh and new. Look deeply into what is being felt and explore the truth about it. This enables you to shift from reacting in fear to respond with patience and love.
2. Consciously choose how to feel
Look at anticipated life events and decide before the events occur how you are going to feel about them. Your inner world shapes your external circumstances. Allow your feelings to be determined by the higher brain, not the lower brain that simply replays emotional reactions unconsciously. Feelings are always authentic. Emotions can deceive us yet, point to true feelings.
3. Consciously decide how you choose to express feelings
Negativity can be that which you recognize and see through. We heal unexpressed emotions by feeling and releasing them. Awareness is knowing you live the life you choose.The key is focus and consistency and the tool is thought. Focus and consistency benefit from mind training, spiritual practices and self-discipline.
4. Be aware of the power of intention
We are affecting our creative energy with every thought, word and action. We either do this consciously or unconsciously every moment. Life unfolds based on the consciously directed focus of your intention. Letting go of guilt and fear is part of the path to getting clarity of intention so you manifest consciously sooner. Dreams unfold at based on to what degree you learn to focus intention (energy).
5. Shift from believing to knowing
The mind believes and nurtures sparks of doubt. The heart-mind feels and knows without question. Shift from desiring something to happen to knowing it is done and dusted. Focus on feeling the relief, euphoria, joy and other uplifting emotions that keep you aligned with the best vision and energized to face whatever comes.Energy is in constant motion. You can resist it, attempt to control it or allow and go with the flow.
If something feels important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favour.
-Elon Musk
Reader Comments (2)
1) Focus on the emotion that is at hand, and then feel it, and match it, and then get excited that you are in harmony with it, thereby lifting it to a place of joy. The emotion will no longer play or appear on the same stage again because of the standing ovation.
2) When not being triggered and one finds themselves in a content or neutral state, this is the moment to decide to become happy for no reason at all. This is the choice point.
3) Feelings come from just about anywhere including within. If you feel what others or the environment is offering, note it and accept it and then increase its value by raising its stature.
4) One knows that they are in an intentional field when they are locked into tunnel vision. Once in such a channel or vortex, see it through to the light at the end of the tunnel in any creative way possible.
5) To Know is To Now, and there was never a question to begin with.