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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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10 Benefits of future visions

A vision of a desirable future is indispensable to align with where you see and feel yourself.  It expedites the energetic process of being here now. This vision is an initiative that takes action in the now by grounding important foundational values.  This is the moment to give present significance, emphasis and importance to what matters most.  Allow core values to take flight. Start now by seeing benefits of future visions:

1) They allow you to detach from false beliefs that postpone living the vision 

2) They create a frame or path through the unknown which limits uncertainty and anxiety

3)  They tether the future in this moment so you catch up (climb into the hot air balloon)

4) They reveal that playing the game of linear time is an important teaching tool

5) They show every choice you make that brings you closer to a desired vision is a good move

6) They keep your focal point (energy) directed in meaningful ways

7) They show you the more you trust the universe, the closer you are to living the dream

8) They demonstrate speaking your truth expedites aligning vision with holographic reality

9) They remind you that you cannot blame the unconscious for lies you tell yourself

10) They empower you to live your best life moment-to-moment

Repression of true feelings contributed to the development of mental illness. - Sigmund Freud

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are forced to change ourselves. -Viktor Frankl 

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Reader Comments (2)

When one visions the future, they can also vision the past. One then draws a new timeline between the two points which essentially stems from this one moment in time. One can take the best in the library of what was and can connect into along a vibeline to what shall be as an outcome. Essentially, the feeling is the same along the entire line, but different shapes, forms, and ways of expressing will morph along the length of the entire storyline.
June 16, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Hi Bern, indeed. from a higher (or more expanded) point of view, past-present-future is one continuous stream. To reach the vibration where every moment feels like the perfect moment is to allow everything to flow simultaneously. Yet, to experience life as a human requires we slow down energy vibration, live in a more dense reality and focus on fragments of the stream, make it what we perceive as our unique reality. Love the metamorphosis, stop, re-start, continue, at our own unique pace. Every moment is an opportunity to see and feel new reality.
June 19, 2018 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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