Recognize the hidden cosmic message

Notice rising above a "problem" expands perception into higher dimensions so one sees beyond it. Einstein echoes 'no problem can be solved at the same level of consciousnes that created it.' To feel into the big galactic picture requires we detach from 3D reality. If you accept the 3D pandemic narrative, or allow emotion, fear and ego to drive you, then you miss the nature of cosmic events leading to even bigger energetic transformations at-hand. ( Thus, the instigating of 3D "distractions.") Imagine this is not about ‘raising the vibration of the 3D’. This 3D reality may be viewed as a standing wave of Separation Consciousness within the Universal Torus. It’s the Unity Consciousness of the Soul that raises in vibration, just as Gaia is doing now. Each Soul chooses to surf certain streams of consciousness and exit the fun-nel on its own terms. Imagine the Earth is to be cleansed in a ball of fiery plasma. High vibrational life does not survive the 3D as it diverges. Souls choose to leave as streams of light emerging in varied directions. Through awareness, one sees an energetic web that streams of light flow out through or merge into. Its like a pulsating resonance of interweaving light (what some have called a “5D Crystalline Grid”) Plasma beings will indeed survive this shift in the lower densities and have the purpose to support the lower dimensional earth grid following the cleansing. The build-up of cosmic energies is echoed in the unravelling of the consensus construct of the Old Earth. At the perfect moment, we will experience what Jim Henson presents as a meatphor in the Dark Crystal- the Great Conjunction comes! This Event points to the convergence of the Galactic, Solar and Earth Pole Shift Cycles. Seeing from this point of view helps to reframe and to accept the energetic process within. Simply unravel and let go of fixed beliefs and ties to the Old 3D Paradigm. It's inviting alignment of 4 key centres of consciousness: your own soul, Gaia, the Solar Logos and the galactic core. Whether we are truly awake or not, these are all interrelated and moving together. At this stage, the physical world may assume a more wave-like quality. The fading of the magnetic field softens the qualities of the physical. (I see this as periodic undulating ground beneath my feet or blurring of vision to refocus on the energetic). This is a natural occurrence for those NOT in fear as the Earth’s Pole Shift draws nearer. The state of one's perception simply reflects a choice of direction to flow. So, stay in fear-based reality or shift into a higher vibrational existence. No more sitting on the fence. Then, it hits! I sense a building stream of plasma energy growing and splitting in the field. This is heavily reshaping landscape of 3D Earth as key cosmic cycles complete. Moving beyond thought allows deep trust, surrender to True Nature.

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