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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Integration Time is Now

(Image of Earth Resonance Sphere geometry from Template-Source Ceremony Code 4)

Notice beyond co-hallucinations of 3D reality, we are informed by streams of light, fields of codified cosmic data, that nourish limitless being. The breath crystalizes Spirit into form, reinforces the visceral experience of oneness. Focusing on our own breath guides us back to authenticity and helps integrate a whole new cosmic level of energetic knowing. To receive, decode and transmit codified cosmic data depends on the recognition of disharmony and willingness to release all that which is inauthentic and unreal. The resulting energy shifts allow new life experiences and expanding perceptions to enter conscious awareness. Our recognition and integration of light codes is based on the power and frequency of our authenticity. As we let go of what we outgrow, we deconstruct old repressive waves, recalibrate energetically, reactivate electromagnetic circuitry, integrate coherent cosmological transmission, our birth into time and space. I integrate the knowledge and understanding of Source that is open to me.

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