Notice a dream goes on within us continuously. A man can live without sleep but cannot live without dreams. Sleep is only needed so you can dream. If you are not allowed to dream, you will not feel fresh or alive. If you are in a dreaming state, only then do you listen to me. Dreaming is somewhere other than the here and now. You are jumping ahead. True yoga is the path to consistently be here and now. Yoga means you are ready not to hope or glimpse ahead. If you are
hoping yoga will bring something for you, then yoga is not for you. Yoga is about not moving toward the past or future, but about moving within you, being present in your deepest centre. The mind must be here to enter this reality. Yoga does not invite you to learn anything. No belief or faith is required. It is not mental. Simply venture bravely into the unknown, and experience things directly. Only by tuning in, and settling the mind as it is does transformation happen. Yoga is both death and a new life. Unless the old dies, the new cannot be born. Unless you are ready to die, you cannot be reborn from the ashes. This is not something you think about, it is something you must be. Sometimes guidance is useful to get out of the head and into the heart. Yet, the gist must be done, known alone. To grow aware of Now, is to see pattern of life is confusing and meaningless, desires dissolve, deep anguish and suffering arise. If whatever you do brings pure misery then the moment is now. You cannot ask for this but earn it. Only then does one begin to understand the discipline of yoga. You cannot obtain the capacity to know until you obtain the capacity to be. This is not a curiousity or intellectual. It is far deeper. Dissatisfaction is not real and total as long as hope exists. All hope must fall to truly enter yoga. The one who promises to do or do not do is no longer. Who is going to be blissful? Silence is only possible in harmony, when no crowd exists.
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