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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in 9/9/09 (1)


What do you sense about 9/9/09?

You need not be a numerologist to sense something out of the ordinary about "9-9-09."  For increasing numbers of people, this series of nines does not stand out as a date so much as an indicator of the state of ongoing cycles.  You notice weather is less predictable.  A certain energy vibration deep inside is awakening and strengthening. What does it mean to you now?

It is interesting the number 9 is often associated with Mother Teresa or a humanitarian mindset. One's attention is focused on the fact that collective compassion is growing more noticeable. Fewer people blame coincidence for positive impulses to help others in need.  The desire to serve arises inside in ways you may not have acknowledged before.

Something beyond conditioned awareness is also driving a sense of inter-connectedness with people you do not even know. Consider how groups of people who experience large scale environmetnal disasters are increasingly assisted by strangers. You are growing conscious of being part of everything. A growing  sense of responsibility prompts you to be more aware of the impact of your thoughts and behaviours on everything.  Part of you feels like a circle that never ends.

More and more people to feel stronger connections to not only people, but also to energy vibration related to uplifting or depressing moods, and to the intention to unleash or find opportunities to create. Nine is like a pulsation too (think 9+9=18 and 1+8=9). It brings us back to reconnect with self.

Related to 2012, its useful to note Mayan belief links the Cosmos to Nine Underworlds. This basic idea is shared very clearly through their key pyramids; the Pyramid of the Plumed Serpent in Chichen-Itza, the Pyramid of the Jaguar in Tikal and the Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque (each have Nine stories).  Synchronicty also invites heightening awareness of the Mayan calendar.  Not only is it hierarchical, it presents Nine different time cycles linked to the 360-day year (the tun). Our attention is clearly being drawn to the number 9.

The Hopi civilisation also offers insight about 2012.  They nickname the gravity wind or life energy as “the way of the nine.” This has connections to the ‘table of nine’ or ‘group of 9’ light beings that are channelled in the physical world to guide humanity to review where they are and how they evolve to perceive differently. As such, 9 is the energy of truth and honour that is awakening within all human beings and encouraging them to become aware of portholes in time and space that are opening to those ready to discern.

 Share some of your associations with the number nine and your feelings about this momentous date. How are you experiencing the shifting energies?