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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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5 Ways to facilitate change

Whatever the vision you hold in your mind, the moment is ripe to allow the universe to facilitate change. You may be asking what are effective strategies to get on with this? Consider 5 ways:

1. Relax

We are so well-conditioned to want to influence, make or force things to happen on our schedule. There is a fine line between creating a vision and letting it go.  No one recipe exists. Each of us uncover what works in practice, via direct experience. We are not meant to control everything. Learning how to relax is about unlearning all those things that evoke stress and resistance.

2. Know its done

Whether its a new job, career, relationship, geographic move, house sale or other vision you hold, its importnat to know and repeated tell yourself its already done. It comes naturally to act as if when you feel confidence and see the world as if your vision is already materialized.  Some people create physical vision boards, 3-D models or quantum, multi-dimensional visions of a new reality.

3.  Feel the way here

Focus energy and excitement.  Feel what stimulates and gets your energy flowing. POsitive and negative energy can both be intense and both are the same energy that invites you to recognize how you are choosing to feel yourself, the path, the vision and blocks you create to hold yourself back or catapult yourself forward.

4. See everything as energy

From the moment you cease seeing events and instead, register everything as energy, you only see flow or blocks. Ask yourself when it feels you go with the current or feel like you paddle upstream.  When everything in your midst is energy and how you respond or not echoes energy, then how you experience experience changes.

5. Meditate

Meditation can involve gardening, cooking, writing, playing music or engaging in some other creative endeavour that raises your energy.  You can train the mind, close your eyes and visualize, change brainwaves, consciously alter how your body projects and experiences this world. Allow yourself to see yourself from a whole new vantage point. 

“Can you accept the notion that once you change your internal state, you don't need the external world to provide you with a reason to feel joy, gratitude, appreciation, or any other elevated emotion?” -Dr. Joe Dispenza

“A memory without the emotional charge is called wisdom.” -Dr. Joe Dispenza