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Entries in black magic (1)


Discern between white and black magic

Movie and book sales attest to how human beings are increasingly drawn to the mystery and power of magic.  On a more practical side, on this earth plane, you may ask how you discern between white and black magic.  In fact, you are already thinking about how you  use the magic of your choice, casting spells or charms in your life and dreams now. 

Black magic is grounded in fear, the misuse of language and misdirected intent.  People who practice this do not know what they do.  They do not know themselves.  They are unaware of the impact of their words, deeds or, how their thoughts and emotions harm others.  In darkness, black magicians are blinded by their views or beliefs.  They choose to perpetuate their ignorance and suffering, to shelter themselves from love, forgiveness and understanding.  They have not learned transcendence or  the intensity of inner energy.  Everything they do is a measure of what they fear and refuse to see. Truth has the power to break spells of black magic.  Truth is grasped through a chain of awareness.

White magic is love, linked to the power of creation and positive intent.  It precipitates uplifting feelings in the conjurer, the thinker and talker who harnesses the power of words to enrich life experience.  White magicians know they are made of light energy and how everything that exists is a messenger of light. This light is the teacher that shows everything is light perceiving light.  White magicians perceive and understand the truth in everything and everyone, regardless of what other people choose to see or ignore. 

If you assumed you would have the choice between a white book and a black book, well, there is far more to this than you would find in any book. Its not about a book, but rather, life experience, fables of smoking mirrors and what you decide to perceive. No matter how many elixers you mix up, how many chants you recite, whether you follow solar or lunar calendars or another sense of time and space, magic begins as a state of mind. You dream of justice or injustice.  You create magic in your world based on a sense of unconditional love or inexplicable fear.  Control your dream. This is meaningful magic.