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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in bread (1)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Famished

Dream : I was hungry. I had not eaten bread in ages. An albatross offered two slices. A scrawny me took one piece of bread shaped like a kidney and made a sandwich with layers of mango. I climbed a nearby palm to eat coconut and reach nearby fruits from there. Turned out, from the height of the tall trees, I saw I was on a deserted island. The panorama gave me a complete 360 view.


Dreaming of hunger is often a metaphor for a lack of fulfillment. In waking life, you may reach a crossroads, a crisis or situation that you come to feel no longer serves you. This is an invitation for an unravelling. To focus on food or eating may be a distraction from other discomfort.  The conditioned mind may like to punish you for not doing enough or not meeting someone else's expectations.

An albatross is a bird that appears "out of the blue" points to an unexpected stage of spiritual awakening. This bird is an excellent navigator through all kinds of weather and storms and is known for its resilience.  This bird also represents our inner faith or trust in the higher powers of the universe. It may reminisce of a changing relationship with God and the divine, how sometimes we feel alone on our journey and yet something unseen or initially unrecognized is by our side. You do not fear traveling on your path alone as long as God is by your side.

Mango is a tempting, sweet exoitc fruit that symbolically, may echo a "man-to-go" in your life.  Hindus view mangos as the king of fruit, symbolic of the ultimate juice of life and happiness we reach for. Coconut may echo someone thinks you are a nut (crazy) yet, it is also a positive omen that points to unexpected gains, vitality, and positive developments. They can be seen as a message from your subconscious or about a "whiter" future.

A deserted island may echo your travels in tropical or exotic places. yet, its also a metaphor for unexplored areas of the mind, your psyche and trauma that may hold you back from seeing the bigger picture. Sometimes feeling alienated from a familiar circle or entourage, leaving a longtime environment, relationship or workplace, can leave us feeling disconnected from others or ourselves, like an outcast. You may have other reasons for feeling excluded or excluding yourself from a life you have outgrown.  Come what may, periods of adjustment, transition and rest are called for.

We offer Dream Consultations which can explore multiple dreams, themes, energies and even life patterns. We alos offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course that may resonate.