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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in core motivation (1)


10 core job motivations often missed

Everything is synchronicity. You may tell yourself you are searching for something but cannot yet identify what this is. Every relationship and role invites you to grow aware of unique gifts and how you can use them to stretch yourself and enrich others in new ways.  

Notice western society teaches we need to work to survive materially, but motivations for job choices and job changes are not what they appear. To feel discomfort or restlessness invites you to look deeper to make the unseen conscious.  Everything invites you to listen to your feelings.

As it happens, jobs or careers that appeal to you are pointing not so much to your strengths and weaknesses as society has you believe, but to the origin of your misplaced beliefs about love so you heal and let these go. One fundamental life lesson is to love and accept yourself as you are.  You know this is happening as you sense a balanced exchange in time and effort you put in with what you receive in return. 

All your behaviours reveal your relationship to love but you are unaware until you recognize the signs and heal what is revealing itself.  Consider 10 core job motivations often missed that show us how we interpret love.

Listen to yourself. What motivates you to do the job you currently do? 

1. to be helpful and caring 

( this could point to unconscious people- pleasing behavior, confused boundaries, conflict avoidance)

2. to be strong and in control 

(underlying belief that love=being in control, hiding feelings, keeping emotional distance)

3. to be unique and different 

(underlying belief that love/ peer acceptance comes via non-conformism)

4. to be orderly and structured 

(underlying belief that love comes through careful planning)

5. to maintain peace and calm 

(underlying belief that love= keeping peace / mediating conflict)

6. to be impressive and attractive 

(underlying belief that love= achievement, approval seeking)

7. to be knowledgeable 

(underlying belief that love = intellectual/ accumulating information)

8. to be fun and entertaining 

(underlying belief that love=comes when you are only funny/ hide negative feelings)

9. to be secure and safe 

(underlying belief that love=security)

10. to be perfectionistic

(underlying belief that love must be earned through relentless effort)