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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in cosmci synchronicity (1)


Recreate a new living vitality

Love and light adjust the energetic structure of what you do not see.  This process is open-ended.  Your clear intent and investment of thought energy are creating effects for your multi-dimensional self.  This shapes a larger picture.

Geometry manifests into physical form and transmits knowledge among dimensions.  Creatures exist in many dimensions simultaneoulsy.  Perceptions expand as part of highly-evolved consciousness.  You sense what life and death are and how everything is interconnected to the same energy Source.  This invites further exploration.

Those things that do not work are falling apart.  Earth needs you like the billions of microorganisms that live inside you in symbiosis.  Imagine balance being re-established.  Remember how it feels to be fully energized right now.  

In order to awaken to a new life perspective, you would be willing to reflect, make conscious changes in your choices and in turn, energetic imprints. This co-creation of vitality is a process of Cosmic Synchronicity. It may require a period of perceived time to integrate the inner knowing that is unfolding. Enter the space of wisdom.