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Entries in David Roth (1)


Interview with David Roth and Jon Christine

It may surprise you, but its not thoughts but beliefs that create our reality.  When we believe whole heartedly in ourselves, we shape our reality with confidence.  David Roth, Jon Christine and the vibe of embodhi love productions are a great example. David and Jon take time out from scouting movie locations to share this dialogue.

Please begin by sharing your unique vision.

This initiative invites our own Soul-searching and much more. 

What a beautiful way to invite each of us to uncover the authentic version of who we are. It feels courage is required to recall what we exist to do, let go of all that is incongruent with our Soul.

We can always learn from the paths of others and its also helpful to recall everything is a mirror. 

Love what I am hearing through you, that the universe shows us what blocks us as a gift.  The greatest gift we can each give ourselves is living who we came here to be.

So, what draws you and Jon (Jon Christine- right in photo) to filmmaking and all that the Embodhi Love project represents and is evolving toward?

We share the strong desire within to help others. That’s the intention behind everything we do. Helping others live in greater freedom through the power of story and film. We see a huge need for conscious entertainment. Stories that not only entertain and enlighten, but also help people live more joyful, fulfilling lives.

Indeed. Everyone is weaving and growing aware of the nature and power to change a personal story. As we come to realize all is interconnected, we are each guided to forge our own unique path to contribute to a process larger than ourselves.

Serving others is a key part of it. As we help others, we are simultaneously helping ourselves.

As you imply, popular media often perpetuates unconsciousness. Initiatives like yours contribute to individual and group awakening. Gaia also offers a collection of consciousness-expanding media that has a growing audience. This echoes a global shift in awareness.   How does this shape directions of Embodhi Love productions?

Our mission, you might say, is to invite viewers to awaken in part, through watching our feature films. We know life experience is part of why we exist. We feel sharing inspiring stories guides each of us to uncover or decode our true potential or destiny.

So, it feels as though you wish to invite viewers to live vicariously through a universal experience on film to draw them deeper into themselves. How inspiring! How wonderful to imagine everyone growing aware that whatever they admire in others is actually a dormant part of themselves they have not yet accepted, focused attention on or realized in their own unique way. 

This said, what is the core message that drives or guides your life?

That freedom is here and now. We are all here to create, connect and play. That is our purpose. We want everyone pursuing their passions and aligned in their own purpose, enjoying this magic carpet ride this is LIFE.

Christie Marie Sheldon also echoes this message. She says, "If you want to heal something in your life, go play!"  I also love the analogy of the dolphin playing its way through existence. How many people frolick their way along-day-to-day, moment-to-moment like that? Many people forget this is key to living a Soul-driven life.  Love is a very high vibration. Love what you do and everything feels like play.  

Yes. When you connect with the Soul and play though life, the idea of work does not come ito it.

What has kept you from fully accepting and living your Soul purpose?

Probably patience more than anything. It took many years to get to this point in our own evolutions. We took on jobs that left us unfulfilled to know what we didn’t want in life. We had to experience those valleys to learn and remind us what we really want. We both had to grow on countless levels to finally align with our purpose and have everything click like it now is. We also know that growth is continuous. We are constantly growing into new ways of being. The art of surrender and letting go seem to be the quickest way into finding your true joy in life.

Many people can relate to the journey you describe about the 'ups and downs' of life experience. We shift from being ego-driven to heart-centred and inspired. Your story echoes that choosing to experience all we create is part of what makes us human and also allows us to uncover the best versions of ourselves.

Your current film project feels exciting. How about offering a glimpse into the story. Why share?

We are currently raising funds for our feature film, Medicina. The story is about a woman who feels stuck and wants more out of life. She ends up on a journey that helps her to awaken into her purpose. The energy behind this story cannot be contained. We’re just stewards to this divine creation that is Medicina. It came through over the past 4 years. Medicina refers to that thing in life that gives you the greatest joy. It could be your yoga practice, cooking, playing an instrument, meditation, helping and connecting with others. The list is endless. That is your true medicine for the soul. Now it’s time to inspire everyone to find more passion and purpose in their lives. 

Exactly! Everyone has a source of joy, something that ignites an inner spark or endless energy.  Yet, not everyone is fully conscious of or willing to fearlessly express it until awakening fully. 

How do you choose film subjects? Do people propose ideas to you like scriptwriters pitch stories?

In full transparency, the stories just come through to us from within. For the past 4 years now, we meet once a week to discuss ideas for different stories we are working on. Whether we are meeting or writing on our own, the stories just pour through. We have a dozen projects lined up right behind this. Ideas for series and commercials as well. We’re in the process of expanding our team so that we can get all these inspiring ideas out into the world as soon as possible. People do pitch and submit to us. We welcome that anytime. What we’re doing isn’t about us. It’s about all of us.

Are you inspired by Jack Canfield and his Chicken Soup for the Soul series of inspirational stories?  How does what you do differ or, how is it similar? 

We are familiar with his work and appreciate how it has affected and uplifted so many people. What inspires us are the stories within those books. The people from those stories that went through what they did. What we do is much different from Jack Canfield. He’s an author who shares other peoples’ stories. We are storytellers, creating our own stories that get turned into feature films.

As you say, each inspirational storyteller has a unique approach to share a vision.  Its encouraging that you invite people to appreciate something universal in every story.  Anyone in particular act as a key mentor?

To be fully truthful, life itself is our teacher. We run across people of all ages every single day that inspire us. On the film side, anybody that creates films inspires us as well. The list is endless. We find perfection in the work of so many directors out there. 

What a huge revelation! Everyone and everything in our perception is the same core inspiration that draws love or messages of love and acceptance out of us.

How are you affected by meeting people who live in harmony with their Soul? 

It’s a big part of the journey, for sure. Having your tribe to always be there for you. Talk about big ideas with. Create new magic with. The energy is palpable when awakened people are in the same room. It instantly elevates the vibration and any fear or lower vibrational energy is no longer in the space. It’s just pure play and creation. When you align with others that are also doing soul driven work, it really feels like you have a ticket on the bliss train. Things just happen effortlessly.

Its common to assume good things only happen by coincidence. Yet awakening to who we are is about tuning into the energy you describe.  Its also about choosing to take responsibility for all we feel, emote, perceive and encounter. At first glance, this may seem scary and yet, it also very empowering. This is about accepting that we choose a story to create for ourselves and how to express or change it.

What advice can you offer people who have not yet grown conscious of a soulful path or destiny?

Keep pursuing what tugs on your heart. Take action towards it every single day. In time, the momentum will build and things will start happening effortlessly for you. Also, be present. When you are in the present moment, you can notice the signs that you should be following. You’ll see that life supports you and puts people and things in your path that will help you find your true purpose in life. It does really exist. Knowing now how life operates on this side, all we want is for everyone to experience this magic. Also know that you are here to create. Create anything you wish. Honor the pull within. That is your path. The things that truly light you up in life are the lanterns on your path that you should be pursuing.

Love that you highlight the power of honoring the pull within, and being mindful of what you describe as lanterns lighting up the path.  As you imply, dots exist and its up to us to join them.  Whil its natural to feel inspired by others, in some way, we each invite ourselves to be trail-blazers, to be and do what has never been done.

If you can leave our readers with some vision or insight, what would it be?

It’s said all the time but hey, it’s the truth. You can be, have or do anything you want in life.  Once you awaken to who you truly are, game on. It’s time to create, it’s time to play. It’s time to live the life you deep down within you know you should be living. The world needs you now more than ever. The days of playing small and hiding behind unfulfilling jobs are over. Spend more time in silence to receive the answers you are looking for. When they come, show up and go live your best life NOW.

Please share some specific experiences that transformed how you view yourself and the world.

Through a few different spiritual awakenings over the years in various plant medicine ceremonies, we have come to learn that we are all connected and we are all truly one family. Separation exists only in the mind. Every single one of us is truly limitless.

Share anything else you wish to add.

The Medicina Campaign is here: If you have questions, you can email us at Connect with us anytime. We welcome your input and queries.

Thank you David and Jon, for sharing such a heart-felt message. Love that you invite everyone to see the universal messages in all they perceive and choose in life. Each of us benefits from growing aware of our own myths and self-created limitations.  We can also blossom to be better than the idealized versions of ourselves. We are each boundless sources of inspiration. You and your team offer an encouraging reminder that all is possible when one is soul-guided and listens to this.