5 Tips to live more fully

At the perfect moment, we recognize what is required to be more fully aligned with the Laws of the Universe. We are challenged to explore all areas of human experience and to develop different aspects of our being. The more we recognize where we are being inauthentic or unconscious in our behaviour, the easier it is to make new choices. As we choose love, we feel more alive and whole and we get into harmony with our true self.
Ponder these tips to live more fully:
1. If someone is lying to us, this implies we are lying to ourselves and need to live more in integrity. This may require clearing the throat chakra and finding courage to speak our truth
2. If we experience people being irresponsible toward us, we are invited to take greater responsibility for how we think and act as well as our conditions in life. Every moment, every thought and action or silence is determining the direction of our lives.
3. If we feel others are not listening to us, this echoes we are living inthe head and not listening to the heart.
4. If we feel judged or criticized by others, we are doing it to us and can be more accepting and loving to us.
5. If others are focused on stuff, we may benefit from decluttering and lightening our mental load.