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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in deliberate creation (1)


See the real picture

Every moment, you are in the process of re-emerging into the pure positive energy you are.  Every thought and action is a bridge toward allowing yourself to feel your true versatility.  Imagine that all your actions and situations unfold for you, by you, in perfect synchronicity.  Savor the divine timing of all your own deliberate creation.  You create improved experience as you choose to know you are always in the right place at the right moment.  What is life experience like as you realize all negativity is imagined? 

Consider the perspective that a person never leaves you.  Rather, people fade from your scope of awareness.  Why? They no longer vibrate or resonate at the your frequency.  According to physical perception, some people seem to develop different interests, have no time to return calls, or you imagine they no longer like you. In truth, their energy  no longer aligns with who you project. Consider some people focus on what is missing or leaving and others focus on what is staying and how what is revealed is that which never left.  You line up to see and experience the presence of wanted things or not. Awaken to realize karma is invented by the mind. Revelations serve you.  All that exists is joy within forever.