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Entries in energy vibraton (1)


6 Ways to clarify energy state

Human beings evolve to question what distinguishes functioning on the astral plane, other kinds of dreaming and consciously developing ability to be in more than one place at once. More possibilities exist than humans typically identify. 

This said, reasons exist to register energy as you do now. To ground the mind where you are signals lessons must still be learned before advanced soul work is an option. Consider 6 ways to clarify your energy state and evolve with it;

1) Make contact with your mind. Practical experience enables soul to connect more consciously with energy in the physical world. You feel energy before other senses resonate and decipher it. Differences in light frequency measure knowledge. Faculties expand to detect energy traits. Developmental levels are not linear. As one grows to discern certain activities interfere with core vibration, one evolves to know choices that balance and strengthen it.

2) Learn to monitor your progress. Soul evolves to remember certain behaviour infringes on other soul’s energy and also how to avoid this. Conditions exist in the spirit world to guide and observe your development. As you raise awareness, you also tap into inner power and exert more control over core transformation. High levels of spiritual advancement are often reflected in humble conditions.

3) Recognize stages of moral reason. Human beings are given opportunities to deepen levels of self-understanding. One evolves from degrees of amoral, immature, judgmental and negative thoughts and behaviour to trigger natural empathy, reflexive forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love and self-acceptance. One’s cognitive awareness determines the degree of ego influence over mind and emotion. The physical world teaches people to believe they are what they are not. To move beyond such self-perpetuated illusions is to detach and be unaffected by labels and emotions.

4) Notice emerging boundaries. As you recognize how you create thoughts and feelings, you become empowered to detect self-created limitations before they manifest. Each human being has spirit guides to help sharpen discernment and make the most of attunement. The nature of one’s spiritual advancement determines higher guides assigned. These entities have diverse ways to connect with you energetically, extensive teaching methods, and options you choose to detect or not, heed or ignore.

5) Grasp nature of incarnation. One’s level of spiritual awareness shifts through degrees of learning. You do not adopt a label. Desire is not involved. Gradual discernment permits you to see yourself as you are. This is no competition. Part of this process requires you learn value in transparency, trust and faith in forces higher than cruelty encountered in the physical. Advanced souls resonate at levels that only enable sensing and expressing love. They are compassionate and do not impose values. As astute observers, they radiate specific colours of light energy that differ from less advanced souls. Guides of any level never give up on you. They build morale and instill confidence.

6) Explore energy potential. To begin to grasp the elasticity of energy enables you to experiment with untapped abilities. To discover the astral plane, permits you to experience new sensations at will. For example, you may find you stretch or contort your astral body in ways unimaginable in the physical. You travel to places without thought of distance, expense and time or other obstacles. Your level of consciousness determines what is possible and if doubt kicks in to curtail experiences.What you believe is what you are ready and willing to experience now. To get to that indescribable place where you know means you have attained another new and immeasurable level of awareness.