Dream Analysis of the Week- Cosmic Mermaid

Entered body of water from land and swimming across/ through water toward an island in distance. Storm arose. Rough water. Fishing boat appeared with fisherman that resembled Jesus. He fished me out with tail and took me closer to island where I got back in water. Fog set in. The fishing boat disappeared in to the mist. Mermaid grew legs when on island. Approached small white house. Knocked. Radiant lady with halo holding newborn baby called out to me. I entered room, saw her breast feeding. She said I could stay the night in lighthouse and pointed next door. I gestured namaste, then climbed nearby lighthouse stairs. Came to open area with book, burning candles, skull, crystals, sacred geometry and dried herbs. At midnight, the items on table levitated in a circle, rotating around geometry.. Connected with higher self and knew what to do. Levitated to sleep above book which I read in my sleep. Next morning, lady with baby and I took fishing boat back to land. The water was clear. Night storm had subsided. I did not grow back my tail. We went to enter a bus somewhere. i paid driver with crystals. I had no watch but felt like I had misplaced one. The driver of flying bus drew my attention to glass case with watches. I shapeshifted to see I am busdriver and crystals. Driver pointed to watch with Winnie the Poo floating inside some some liquid with food and chatacters. I entered the watch, communed with the characters and reset time cogs.
Many versions of self exist. Everything we encounter is a version of Oneself. How we respond to each reveals the nature of shadows and/or soul fragments. Encounters with water reflect our emotions. If its stormy, we may be bravely exploring reasons for discomfort as well as creative endeavours. We are getting clearer on how we feel and responding in greater integrity with the soul.
Note you are your own divine saviour (nobody can rescue you from any situation but yourself). In scriptures, a fisherman echoes resurrection and immortality as well as connection to the inner spirit. It echoes diligence and a focused mind
A mermaid represents metamorphosis and transformation is taking place or about to take place in our midst. The shapeshifting of tail to legs is a metaphor for developing precisely what we need to move forward.
New babies may echo our return to innocence as much as the possibility of new projects on the horizon you might view as your "baby". The age of the baby may indicate how long your project has been incubating. Nourish the budding vision that is blossoming through you. Each of us also nourish our own inner child even if it appears to be external as a metaphor. A mother is symbol of love, purity, nurturing. We are forever connected to the source of love energy.
A lighthouse is like a beacon, a symbol of rising awarness within. It also echoes one must gain knowledge to make wise decisions going forward. A lightbulb is going off pointing to new relationships, changes, and projects on horizon.
Reflect on where you give power or authority away in a given situation. A busdriver is someone you pay for transport or directions
Crystals remind you that spirit guides have your back and are in constant communication with you on an energetic level.
Watches invite paying closer attention. This is an invite to be more natural and less concerned about others' expectations. Reflect on self-containment, self-created limitations and possible options to branch out.