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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in frequency (71)


What if you made a radical shift?

Modern Science assumes the only knowable reality is based on physical matter that human beings experience using specific senses.  Supporters of this perspective resist believing in other realities, like possible co-existing dimensions, and sentient beings not easily seen or registered by human mind. The unseen seems far-fetched, even inconceivable.

Another perspective contends all reality is composed of levels of frequency in complex energy grids. This would include the physical along with may other realms.  Imagine an invisible musical scale that partially organizes universal operations. The senses do not consciously register and absorb notes in a given musical scale and piece, let alone non-linear vibrations.  Certain frequencies stand out based on your sensitivities.

To take this further, consider resonance. It works in cycles of waves or vibration. As energy evolves to certain concentrated points, it becomes physical matter discernable to basic human senses. Yet, formless energy continues to exist beneath and around even if it not discernable as physical form.  Consider reflections within reflections.  You grow to detect layers of light creating worlds within worlds.

Similarly, review the concept of overtones. They occur in different octaves although only a single tone stands out to be heard.  Your sense of accepted reality may only scratch the surface.  Consider the possibility that you may assume you sense one thing while energy is simultaneously presenting much more than you are ready to grasp or accept.

What if you made a radical shift in mindset? What sorts of implications would this have on your sense of existence?

Its possible you would;

1) Begin asking different questions and receiving different answers about every sensation you register.

2) Entertain the possibility everything exists in realities that function in some kind of harmony.

3) Conceive every being resonates with multiple environments on Earth and beyond for a purpose.

4) Recognize that attaching to inflexible thoughts and beliefs restricts brain activity and hinders growth.

5) Discern different levels of self energy and grow to align with external resonance and frequency.

6) Realize every energy being can directly draw energy from external environments into the body.

7) Recall what it means to re-activate your internal resonance capacities and turn beliefs upside-down.

8) Move from one-dimensional to expanding views of reality that lift you above negative energy.

9) Start to sense human technology is becoming increasingly obsolete because we are moving beyond it.

10) Contend that evolutionary transition prompts energy beings to be more self aware and conscious.

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