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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in frequency (71)


Tune into Harmonic Resonance

Notice deep in DNA, it is known that to go against the harmonic resonance of the universe is a path to self- destruction. Unconscious and conscious paths exist to self- destruct. Through the ages, we may think we have met strangers on different paths. Yet, if we do not don’t know ourself, we get deja-vus or feel we have met others, even enlightened masters before. Enlightenment is true nature. Where one loves deeply enough, all experiences, which are momentary, even the shadows, the reflections, are revived because the energetic taste is the same. Only the filters change or dissolve to reveal what is and never changes.


Recall the Most Essential Thing

Notice collective human evolution is most essential. What is the most effective way to evolve? Advaita Vedanta and other traditions echo the ultimate purpose of being is to hasten evolution into greater possibility or expand consciousness.

This is not a competition. Awakening to the true being is about remembering the forgotten meaning of temples, pyramids, cathedrals and structures that we are taught exist to mediate between us and the divine or be tourist attractions. Deeper remembering echoes they are portals into our true divine nature. They are stepping stones to living on a soul-guided life of universal principles.

To recall forgotten purpose, original means of how and why these structures were built, transforms the way we educate ourselves, how we view ourselves, how we come to re-activate dormant systems and function at optimum levels.

Be brave. Shift out of conquest mode. Temples and sacred places are not simply monuments, not what we are led to believe. Intuit the way to the heart. Tune into interdimensional energetic centres that guide us back into resonance.


Consciously Adjust your Frequency


Notice everything we sense or tune into, any frequency on the energetic radio dial, is calling or inviting us to see something specific to us. All we perceive is part of our own unique universe. Something only emerges as real to us as we perceive it. At times, we contract (resist/ withdraw from) people, places, things, ideas, situations, environments. As we take action that seems out of character, we are awakening. A more expanded version of us knows conscious change is rewiring the brain, healing emotional patterns, accessing a wider spectrum of knowing, accelerating energetic experience so we can hold more light in our being and blossom into a more fully functioning version of our true nature. With awareness, unconscious or fearful patterns transform. As we change how, whom and what we tune into, we can withdraw like a caterpillar preparing to go through metamorphosis. When ready, we shift octave, expand into a new consciousness. Sense of home, success, time, wealth, fulfillment, opportunity, love, harmony, service, shifts into resonance with the recalibrating version of us.
So, to align with new understanding or new level of authenticity, it is imperative to listen to intuition, let go of the who we thought we were to embrace what is waiting for us. As we come to consciously adjust our frequency, our self-view and whole world transform. Over a period of perceived time, we can read and re-read the same book, and relate to it differently, tune into different vibrations between the lines, even see versions of us in book characters as if in parallel realities. In truth, we simply function with different insight into the holodeck (holographic universe).




Transform your frequency

(Image Credit: visionary art Samuel Farrand)
Notice what we perceive in a non-physical environment is determined by our sklll in reading and translating energy transformations. In holographic reality, energy shifts and changes in stages that evolve from one state or form to the next.
Every moment, our body receives, decodes and transmits light. Our experience varies based on level of consciousness and intiations successfully passed. At any given moment, our perception of reality reflects our understanding of ourselves.
As we allow blockages to dissipate, to communicate in new ways, we deepen adventures in consciousness. Every adventure has an entry point, a middle and an exit point. Some relate to a beginning, middle and end of a path. Others relate to a spiral or simply energy in motion without a predicable path. Come what may, each chapter or stage of the journey alters us. We are never again the same.
As it is, we transform in parallel with the evolving journey. To be on the same wavelength as someone allows us to read the mind. tap into the hive mind or collective consciousnes is to know that telepathy is possible on a wider scale. This is not an easy shift for everyone. Deeper connection happens through the vibration of compassion. Learn to tune your own frequency.

Consciously shift frequency

Notice the more we take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, health and conditions the more we recognize being vulnerable is what allows us to be real, connect with others, dissolve illusions of separation. In fact, as we gain insight into trauma or adversity and the message or lesson offered, it would be selfish to keep that insight and source of growth for ourselves. It is in sharing our stories that others are inspired to bravely face themselves and blossom into true nature.
So, we must be willing to be completely honest with ourselves, recognize where and with whom we are, have been dishonest. Turns out, we are only ever dishonest with others in the same way we are dishonest with ourselves. As we expand, we are able to hold what is happening in the consciousness of love, to honour the interconnectedness of life. This is about seeing from wider view, so we can be what we came to be, access all of who we are.
Many people forget the deeper vibration of responsibility. Contrary to popular belief, its not about duty or meeting others' expectations. Its about being spontaneous. We have response -ability to be in this moment. Our attention, consciousness, focus, is only ever present. Being here is responding with our whole being. Be like a dragonfly, consciously shift frequency & vision.