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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Dream Analysis of the Week- Lucid Moment

Dream: I was lying on my back and began to levitate.  I found myself rising above my bed. I attempted to press my finger on the nearby wall but the finger passed through. Floating feet first out the window, I found myself above a winding road and floated upward into the clouds. 

Insights: levitating represents the deep desire to be free not of some external circumstances, but of the confines or limits of mind. Its also possible to be moving into a state of greater trust and surrender. Do you move feet or head first?

We can see a difference between flying and floating dreams.  Flying dreams are usually controlled in the sense that the dreamer can control the flying and direction is head or arms first. Floating dreams, however, typically involve less control. The dreamer feels they have given theri power away or feels somewhat powerless that something is in control of his destiny or life course. Usually, the dreamer cannot control the floating and feels that something is pulling him along. Movement above clouds suggest transcendence or at least a spiritual context worth meditating on.

Pay attention to dream details. Floating is a metaphor for indecisiveness, floating between jobs, relationships, geographic locations,  even words or dimension.  Pinpoint the catalyst and context and change your life forever. Pay close attention to emotions you experience while dreaming also. Emotions point to experiences on this and other timelines. If you were feeling negative emotions, can you identify situations in waking life that feel similar?

In truth, with some training, we can learn or remember to control our dreams.  We can dream about specific things, reframe problems, end recurrent nightmares, solve mysteries and do the unexpected.  Some people become experienced in lucid dreaming and can develop ability to consciously rewind, fast forward and change the context and course of their dreams.  This goes beyond fearless behaviour. 

Lucid dreams do not require you have control over the environment. They simply require an awareness of the dream state. There is less frequent control over ream naratives but degrees of dream control and dream yoga we can learn.  In fact, we can benefit from lucid dreaming as a healing tool.  Lucid dreaming has many benefits.

Contact us about Dream Consultations, and online dream discussions.  We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course beginning November 3rd. Request further information.