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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in helicopters (1)


What is it with helicopters?

Over 400 years before helicopters were supposedly invented by humans, Renaissance Man Leonardo Da Vinci was drawing them. He is not the only man regarded as 'before his time.'

Even further back, the Egyptians record hieroglyphics of helicopters in the Abydos Temple.  In fact, they also record images of other machines many people assume did not exist.

Consider, even for a moment, that nothing invented in the physical world is truly new. Everything has an energy vibration and comes from somewhere you are not yet sensing fully.

If everything already exists in form or formless states, you do not always sense everything all at once on a conscious level.  Energy is not created or destroyed. Awareness of how to access and attune to energy shifts. How a you perceive, expands.

Recognize the mind registers only limited perspectives. Recall how to transcend the mind and inner energy flows naturally. You forget about the mind's inability to go wider.

As you merge with the etheric more consciously, you open to notice the sideways path of energy and tap into hidden gems. They never go anywhere. You begin to work through optical and other illusions and suddenly sense more than just the energy of timeless helicopters. You sense where everything comes from. Return home. Celestial energy is your keeper.