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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in imagination (16)


Why inverse conditioning?

When you sense injustice in the external world, this tells you there is something within your heart that requests to be understood and purified. In truth, injustice, inequality or victims are misunderstandings that invite awakening.

Every human being is beginning to realize the nature of their holographic reality.  This is part of the process of healing inner fear.  Most people are conditioned to react emotionally without sensing why. You can alter that.

What if you decided to be a more conscious participant in what you do not see with physical senses?  You may feel things that do not seem to exist.  You know what you are now and have nothing to prove.

You may have been conditioned to define what you are through the perception and approval of people outside yourself.  As you awaken, you grow aware that how you perceive or judge others mirrors how you feel inside.

Everything you feel is a message. Growth and expansion are constant on levels you do not even detect yet.  To awaken to the nature of conditioned thoughts empowers you to transcend what you outgrow.

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