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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in imagination (16)


Reality according to whom?

The experiences you engage in are constructing an ever-changing sense of reality, but reality according to whom?  Ever step back and ask how you got where you are or, ask why you feel as you do? What grabs your attention? It all beckons you to expand vision.

Consider you live based on your perception of reality. The mind tells you its versions of reality grounded in time and space and advises you how to thrive. You also adopt ideas about what people tell you is their reality, heed their advice about how to achieve success, better yourself, or do what you think necessary to feel satisfied or get ahead. You may struggle to clarify a sense of reality that truly matters and has staying power.

As the mind subsides, what is real touches the soul.  Here, you have nothing to learn, and nothing to know. Nothing anyone tells you factors into this.  Its not a version of reality but the way things are.  What the heart knows intuitively prompts you to let go of the unreal, to surrender and accept what you already know when you stop thinking, defining and resisting.  This reality is not what you want it to be.  It is not your story. It reveals itself from the moment you get out of the way.  Allow the unaltered state to be.  It is forever silent and present amidst all the experiences that hijack your attention.

"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination." -John Lennon


See what is 

To see what is, is to see through the layers of the mind that prevent seeing with the heart.  One knows limitless being and free flow.  Yet, the mind would have you imagine and focus on limitation.  Many influences keep attention focused on what is not.  When you are driven by personal attention and gain, you miss more than subtle nuances.

The natural state of being carries no message.  It is like space without memory, without beliefs and attitudes. Nobody is being silent.  Time is unaccounted for.  Recognition of an unbroken flow is objective seeing. Actions unfold without you.  What is does not change only your perception and acceptance of what has always been. It senses the effortless presence that is available to you when your eyes are open to it.


Travel anywhere

It can be a fun exercise to take out a globe or another kind of map and choose places to visit. Dream your way there using all senses. Perhaps you have deja-vu, like you feel as though you have been somewhere in particualr before and are going back.  Imagine that  you are able to travel anywhere, without limits.  What sort of adventure would you undertake?


Do a deliberate exercise

Take out a sheet of paper or do this in your head.  Specify what you would like to do.  Imagine how it feels to already be doing it.  How do you sense you are already closing the gap between here and there? What prompts you to realize this thing is already done? Appreciate how it feels to experience the dream.  Share your enthusiasm. What are you thinking?


What does it mean to save yourself?

Many people say they think their purpose is to 'save the world.' They nurture idealistic goals or ambitions, explore a varety of experiences that they believe empowers them to change other people and conditions. Have you ever reflected on what it means to save yourself and to remember how to sense things as they are? What are these kinds of statements really telling  the conscious you from deep inside?

One perspective is that part of you would like to be saved from the illusions you create and structure physical life around. What would you say if some people move to no longer relate to anything or anyone? How do you imagine it feels to live a life completely undefined by labels, by expectations, by other people? Everything is a choice.  You may not realize you are already choosing to Transform Your Life.