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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in inspirational quotes (206)


Dreams flow freely

In light of today's dream workshop, I invite readers to share a dream or topics of curiousity about dreams.  The opportunity to learn lessons, strengthen conscious memory, accelerate awakening, get to know yourself on deeper levels and to transcend physical boundariess are common incentives to sharpen your recall.  What prompts you to dream now?

"Those who have compared our life to a dream were right.... We sleeping wake, and waking sleep." -Michel de Montaigne


Expand your vision

In life, how often do you allow yourself to experience frustration, impatience, or other apparent roadblocks when you are looking? To visualize something in the mind is to allow it to take form and shape in ways the mind can pin down or understand. You may not realize that you are conditioned to view the world and what is unfolding not as it really is but through your own filters of thoughts, beliefs and emotions. Consider this perspective:


A curious monk asks a MASTER, "What is the Way [to see]?"

"It is right before your eyes," said the master.

"Why do I not see it?"

"Because you are thinking of yourself."

"What about you: do you see it?"

"So long as you see double, saying I don't and you do, and so on,
your eyes are clouded," said the master.

"When there is neither 'I' nor 'You,' can one see it?"

"When there is neither 'I' nor 'You,' who is the one that wants to see it?"


"The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."
-Marcel Proust


Listen to your life

Your thoughts and emotions are constantly communicating through you.  You focus of attention determines your priorities as well as which emotions control you.  Pay attention to what you see and do not see, to what you say and do not say.  What do you notice?  Where is your focus of attention?  That which is ever-present cannot be obtained by moving away from it.  Notice the priceless treasures that are forever hiding in plain sight.  Be intrinsic awareness.  What wisdom or insight do you take away as you observe your own behaviour?

"Listen to your life.  All moments are key moments." -Frederick Buechner


Go with the flow

Notice how it feels to truly go with the flow in your life. You suddenly notice no obstacles, only stepping stones. Value judgments disappear and you only recognize experience. Feelings of risk and danger do not cross the state of right mind. Trouble does not find you. Wanting no longer controls you. You have no desire to harm or make unhealthy choices. Illness cannot cling to you.  Kindness and compassion are your constant companions.  What do you feel is required or what would prompt you to refocus on basic inner nature?

"Just as water flowing in the streams and rivers fills the ocean, thus may all of your moments of goodness touch and benefit all beings, those here now and those gone before." -Pattanumodana Blessing


Short cut to happiness

'Short cut to happiness' was the topic of our radio show February 9th. This triggered exchanges which prompt reflections shared here. 

Notice when in your life, you feel completely satisfied and when you feel compelled to seek a source of happiness outside yourself.  Notice the thoughts that run through your head and emotions that flow noticeably through you.  Notice different options exist for how you choose to feel inspired.  Watch your changing state of mind.  The shortest road to anything is to be it and stop seeking. You evolve and get here or listen to the heart only when ready.

"There are no shotcuts in evolution." -Louis D. Brandeis