Allow feelings to guide you

The intensity of your desire and intention, and how long you focus, influences the impact on your perceved reality. A thought activates an energy vibration. You may sense it or may not discern it all. Yet, you feel it. To what degree you allow your feelings to guide you determines what happens next. You may relate to this process.
Take for example how a woman invited a seminar opportunity into the scope of her awareness. She did this by hearing about certain material and resonating with its energy vibration. As synchronicity worked its magic, she discovered a related event and planted a seed in the mind. She kept stumbling across references to the author of the material and books on the place where the conference would be held. The universe was sending her messages.
Over the next week, she read another book by the author and connected directly with a kindred spirit who appreciates the material. They exchanged ideas on the event and sensed it sounded meant to be. Low and behold, accommodation and travel plans fell into place as they knew they would. Nothing occurs without inviting the thought and allowing it. You are always in the right place and right time for miracles because you create them.
These women tuned their vibrational frequency of being to align with their vibrational frequency of desire. In essence, they are conscious of what they attract and imagine a situation into being. They sensed it already is, focus on the present, feel they are going and do. Their feeling enegy matches the vision; a case of Cosmic Synchroncity.