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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in open-heartedness (1)


Decode the pointers

Imagine what existence is like from a place of humility and open-heartedness.  These qualities arise as one begins to see all of nature is a code.  Human beings themselves are a code.  That is, the physical body is a code and pointer much like time and our life experiences and dreams are also codes, both recognizable and decipherable when one is ready.

Watch what happens as you begin to view everything as a pointer or trigger to the remembrance of God or true nature. Something activates within as you start to recognize divine correspondances.   Synchronicity is suddenly all you see.  Every encounter, experience, opportunity is created for you, by you as part of a path to seeing through filters and accepting who you are.  Reunion with the Gods is seeing what God sees, consciously integrating your divine essence

Universal knowing exists for everyone to access. All that is required is deep listening.  No teaching from spirit is wasted. This is about tuning in through the heart while being centered and grounded. Knowing is only felt through the heart, not the mind, and dissipates the instant its no longer required.