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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Radiate inner light

As you grow aware of the nature and complexity of this dream, you are more conscious that you radiate inner light.  The essence of love is the frequency of a shimmering state of being. 

Suddenly, the intensity of your glow is about more than appreciation for life as the human mind knows it. The degree of your radiance is about more than possible pregnancy.  Its about feeling reborn, tapping into the source of youth, moving away from only feeling grounded in the dirt of Earth, from only accepting what is taught. Its about the power of thought, the rejection or acceptance of conditions of your birth, education and experience of what is real.

Focus shifts to the obvious: what exists within and beyond the body, or pure energy. This triggers deeper remembering of the spirit withis is exhumed from body consciousness. Its about raising the frequency of vibrations. You shift attention from what does not matter to feel and receive the flow of divine presence.  It is not what you think but who you are. Believe it or not, something beyond you explores realms of light when the physical eyes are closed.

As you begin to sense everything comes down to how you feel and store energy, more of the puzzle is revealed.  As you are willing let go of outdated attitudes and social programming, you no longer assume the inevitability of weakness, illness and death.  This permits pure love energy to flow more freely. Eureka moments are triggered.  An innate glow gets brighter. Is this only projection? You may sense deeper significance about the film Cocoon.